Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a community where doing meaningful things made belonging matter. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a thought leader. I simply shared my ideas and work because I felt alone in my mission to change the future of business. I’ve always believed I couldn’t do…

Mashable: Snapchat is going public — will it follow the path of Twitter or Facebook?

Mashable: Snapchat is going public — will it follow the path of Twitter or Facebook?

“I worry about the valuation of the company in respect to its track record and, brutal honesty, whether or not it will ever return profit or shareholder value,” said Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group and someone who never invested in Snapchat…
Brian Solis worries about ‘the ability for the app and the company to remain relevant among the highly illusive and impatient and discerning audience of users.

Executives Don’t Live the Brand the Way Customers Do and This is Why CX is Shorted

Executives Don’t Live the Brand the Way Customers Do and This is Why CX is Shorted

The one thing about CRM is that it often has very little to do with “customers” or “relationships” and more to do with the “management” of dated perspectives, systems and processes. So many executives these days are chasing technology and recruiting new expertise to track customers, analyze their data, map journeys and push the most relevant content, messages, promo on the right device at the right time. You’re probably asking, “what’s wrong with that?” In many ways, it is exactly the…

The Key to Creativity and Innovation is Empathy

The Key to Creativity and Innovation is Empathy

Growing up in Los Angeles and living in Silicon Valley for 20-plus years has plugged me into a unique network of creativity and innovation. Although many would say that I technically live in a bubble, I have practiced the art of participation and observation to earn a balanced perspective when it comes to ideation and design. While I am surrounded by some of the most amazing  minds, I am also inspired by those shaping innovation hubs. If it’s one thing I’ve learned,…

Digital Darwinism: Evolve with Your Customers or Regress Toward Irrelevance

Digital Darwinism: Evolve with Your Customers or Regress Toward Irrelevance

I recently had the pleasure of speaking at Unite host by Satmetrix in New Orleans. Customer experience, IT and management executives from around the world met in the “Big Easy” to learn from one another, share experiences and envision a new future for customer engagement. Prior to the event, I met with the Satmetrix team to discuss my presentation so that we could share the message for those that could not be there live. The conversation was summarized over at…

What is Influence 2.0 and why is it important in the future of CX?

What is Influence 2.0 and why is it important in the future of CX?

Before social media, before modern digital marketing and before DCX and digital transformation, I spent much of the late 90s and early 2000s studying and experimenting with online influence. In February of 1999, I opened a lab to test and learn and in the process, was one of the many contributors to shape the future of digital marketing and customer engagement. Shortly after joining Altimeter Group in 2012, I shared all of the research I had collected and more and published…

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The definition of digital transformation is… 2019: Digital transformation is the evolving pursuit of innovative and agile business and operational models — fueled by evolving technologies, processes, analytics, and talent — to create new value and experiences for customers, employees, and stakeholders. 2014 – 2019: The realignment of, or new investment in, technology, business models, and processes to drive new value for customers and employees and more effectively compete in an ever-changing digital economy. This is how I define digital…

Experiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences

Experiences Become Brands and Great Brands Become Experiences

These days, it seems that I travel to events overseas more than in the United States. While many companies around the world believe they are behind U.S. companies, I can say that from first hand experience, any company pursuing the future of customer experience, innovation, and brand is ahead of the game…regardless of where it’s based. When I receive an invitation to present, it exemplifies, at least to me, that those attending the event are keen on learning about how to…

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