Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

The CX Imperative and The Role You Play in Making Business Personal

The CX Imperative and The Role You Play in Making Business Personal

i Every now and then, I am asked to write the foreword for a great book. And, every now and then, I say yes. The deal is always the same. Once the book is released, I ask that I’m able to publish the foreword in full to share with you here. My friends Lars Birkholm Petersen, Ron Person and Christopher Nash wrote a book, Connect: How to use data and experience marketing to create lifetime customers. As they describe, marketing is…

Digital Transformation – Rewriting the Rules of Business

Digital Transformation – Rewriting the Rules of Business

We live in an era of digital Darwinism. As customer expectations evolve and move toward personalized experiences and beyond transactions, companies in every industry must focus digital transformation on not only digital, but also people, purpose, and relevance. Digital transformation has become an absolute must-have to secure future growth, improve customer experience and loyalty as well as operational efficiency. Along with it, digital transformation also represents an opportunity to rewrite the rules of business? I got to spend some time with…

Deepening Customer Relationships with Contextual Content

Deepening Customer Relationships with Contextual Content

Guest post by Rebecca Lieb and Jaimy Szymanski, Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing In the “phygital” world that marries our physical and digital presences, content is ubiquitous. Only by offering content through the lens of context can marketers achieve relevancy to today’s uber-connected consumer. Beacons, sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) are moving marketing past the screen to the objects, places, and even the conditions (weather, holidays, sales) we occupy and experience in the real world. Contextual marketing…

Digital Transformation Must Lead to Business Transformation: An Interview with Didier Bonnet of CapGemini Consulting

Digital Transformation Must Lead to Business Transformation: An Interview with Didier Bonnet of CapGemini Consulting

Who owns digital transformation within your organization? Is it the C-Suite, marketing, IT, HR? It’s now essential for all stakeholders – no matter their level or role – to become acquainted in the purpose of digital technology if orgs are to succeed in this new economy. We live in an era of digital Darwinism. As technology and society evolve, all organizations must also adapt how they operate and compete. To do so however, requires much more than digital transformation and…

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