LinkedIn influencer Brian Solis generates awareness, establishes thought leadership, and drives targeted website traffic by publishing content on LinkedIn.
USA Today: Snapchat geofilters could become the new hashtag
“Facebook will absolutely emulate this,” says Solis. “Facebook takes the best of the rest, and adds the value to keep users engaged.”
Business 2 Community: Why It’s (Still) Lonely at the Customer Experience Top
Don’t wait for change. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and challenge the status-quo if the change you’re seeking helps everyone succeed. “If you’re waiting to be told what to do, you’re on the wrong side of innovation,” said Solis. La France Bien Placée Dans La Bataille Pour Attirer Les Centres D’innovation
Selon un rapport de Capgemini et Altimeter, Paris occupe la troisième position, derrière la Silicon Valley et Londres.
Plusieurs grands groupes internationaux se sont installés en France, ces dernières années.
INfluencia: La Course Contre Le Darwinisme Digital Est Lancée
” Pour rester compétitif, une entreprise doit donc devenir plus agile que réactive et plus customer-centric que présomptueuse. C’est là qu’intervient la transformation digitale”, explique Brian Solis ” Bien qu’elle représente un mouvement global qui utilise la technologie pour radicalement améliorer les performances des entreprises, la technologie seule ne constitue pas la solution. Pendant les recherches, j’ai appris que ce mouvement fonctionne même sans la moindre feuille de route universelle qui puisse guider les marques. De fait elles ambitionnent le changement avec les mêmes pratiques habituelles, le même paradigme traditionnel, sans vision ni buts “.
LinkedIn: The Race Against Digital Darwinism, The Six Stages of Digital Transformation
Over the last three years, I’ve studied the maturity paths of some of the world’s leading brands including Dell, Discover, GM, Harvard, Lego, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nestlé, Novartis, Sephora, Starbucks, Target, among many others. The result is a new report, “The Race Against Digital Darwinism: Six Stages of Digital Transformation.” It introduces a maturity framework that documents how companies are advancing technology roadmaps, business models and processes to compete in the digital economy.
DMN: The 6 Stages of Digital Transformation
Have marketers come to a crossroads at which they have to decide, once and for all, between scale and survival? It’s a choice that Brian Solis, noted author on tech disruption and principal of Altimeter Group, takes on in a new report called “The Race Against Digital Darwinism: Six Stages of Digital Transformation.” Trying to survive in the digital jungle, companies are not only challenged by upstart predators and sophisticated customers, but they’re also laden with the trappings of process and infrastructure that turned their humble organizations into industry behemoths in the first place. Altimeter Report Details Stages Of Digital Transformation
Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter, said his company hopes these six stages serve as a digital-maturity blueprint to guide companies along their transformations.
“I think the key takeaway for CMOs is going to be that no one company has all of the answers,” Solis told “Another takeaway for the chief marketer is that they have an opportunity to make their role about more than just marketing. CMOs can be experience leaders and drive the future of business. They must show that marketing is now part of experience, and experience is now part of customer engagement, and customer engagement is basically the foundation for any company.”
AdvertisingAge: Digital Darwinism Has Created a Market of Digital Narcissists
Brands and Agencies Need a Digital Transformation to Compete in the Experience Economy contributed by: Brian Solis for AdvertisingAge Disruption in advertising and marketing is at an all-time high. With ad blocking, ad fraud, mobilegeddon, messaging, chat bots, app overload, fragmented attention spans, et al., all the talk about the end of advertising as we knew it isn’t just happening — it’s already happened. But is it really so bad that the landscape is changing? Or is this really an opportunity for…
CMO: Getting To The Bottom Of The Digital Transformation Process
“Digital transformation isn’t easy but it is among the most effective ways to future proof an organisation while building an infrastructure to be more agile and innovative,” Solis concluded. “But make no mistake, this is the long road, not the short cut. To disrupt markets, you have to start by disrupting yourself.”