In their book, The Evolution of Social Business: Six Stages of Social Business Transformation, Charlene Li and Brian Solis surveyed 700 social media professionals and executives. They discovered that 34% of businesses surveyed felt that their social strategy was connected to business outcomes.
The Huffington Post: 2016 State of Digital Transformation
“Digital transformation is as much a technology story as it is one about how people lead change inside and outside the company. The human factor is pervasive in each of our reports on the subject. It’s really the driving force behind evolution and revolution in business,” said Solis.
Emerce: Brian Solis over de kracht van de totaalervaring
De toekomst van zaken doen draait om het ontwerpen van betekenisvolle ervaringen. Met die heldere boodschap van Brian Solis gaat iedereen naar huis na een lange eDay. Rond 12.00 uur mag de ‘principal analyst’ van de Altimeter Group, auteur en keynote speaker de volle zaal alles vertellen over Ervaringen. Niet voor niets, want zijn nieuwe boek ‘X: The Experience Where Business Meets Design’ gaat over het ontwerpen van de perfecte totaalervaring.
Ready4S: 7 Most Reliable New Technology Researchers You Should Follow
Brian Solis is a key influencer on the mobile scene. A digital marketing analytics expert, Brian is a recognized speaker and author of the recently published X: The Experience When Business Meets Design. He’s also behind various reports and research studies which examine mobile experiences. One of his recent studies is The Inevitability of a Mobile-Only Customer Experience where he examines how companies should think mobile-first and mobile-only.
The Enterprisers Project: Week-in-Review– CIOs are not leading digital transformation, but they should
Solis researched and interviewed 500 digital transformation strategists, executives, and change agents, and Vala Afshar, a thought leader on the topic of digital transformation, delivers a concise break-down of the key findings in Huffington Post. Among the insights, “The No. 1 challenge facing executives (71 percent) is understanding behavior or impact of the new customer,” yet, “55 percent of those responsible for digital transformation cite ‘evolving customer behaviors and preferences’ as the primary catalyst for change.”
Datamation: CIOs Trail CMOs in Digital Transformation
Although digital transformation is a tech-reliant process, CMOs are more likely than CIOs to lead this journey, indicates new research from the Altimeter Group.
The Christian Science Monitor: What’s behind the rise in anti-Semitism toward journalists on Twitter?
Social media, especially around election time, has a tendency to become an “ugly soapbox” for people of all political leanings, Brian Solis, principal analyst at the research firm Altimeter Group, told CIO: “It brings out the darker side of digital introverts in that we are willing to say anything … without logically thinking about its impact on what’s reality and what people will think about us beyond this election.”
CMSWire: Digital Futurist Brian Solis– Can Digital Transformation Move Beyond Buzzwords?
“When it comes to digital transformation, we’re just not as far along as we think we are,” Solis, principal analyst…
“There’s very little digital maturity.”
NICE: Reinventing Digital Marketing and More | CMO Perspectives
Here is another brilliant piece from CMO Perspectives regular, Vala Afshar talking about digital transformation, defined by Brian Solis as, “The realignment of or investment in new technology, business models, and processes to drive value for customers and employees and more effectively compete in an ever-changing digital economy.”
Travel Daily UK: Futurist Brian Solis confirmed for WTM 2016
he WTM Leaders’ Lunch is an exclusive invitation-only networking event with 200 pre-eminent heads of commercial travel organisations.
Solis studies the impact of emerging technologies on business, marketing and culture and, in his role as Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, advises companies on marketing strategy and change management.