As influencer marketing evolves, Brian Solis continues to analyse the data, evaluate the current practice and predict its evolution. He says, “Influence 2.0 is an incredible opportunity for marketers to think differently about customer experience to fast track the inevitable changes that digital business presents. Marketers must reimagine their role as a central driver of organisational change, output, and impact by connecting with customers in more genuine and useful ways and channels they trust and value.”
TeleTech: Solving for X — Why the Future of Business is Experiential
For this executive strategy journal, Brian Solis explains why companies must shift from product-centric strategies to cultivating outstanding experiences to remain competitive.
The Financial Brand: Building a Better Experience in Banking
Brian Solis is a highly sought after authority on customer experience. As a prominent industry leader, he was invited to be a featured guest author on the future of financial experiences for The Financial Brand.
Vivienne K Neale Digital: Thought Leaders Definitely Worth Following on Twitter
Brian Solis, “There are thought leaders and then there are those who are exceptional at personal branding. There’s a difference. I was once asked what it took to be a thought leader; I answered, simply to have ideas or a perspective that are not only different but also provocative, inspiring, motivating or actionable. Being a thought leader is a title others give you, you earn it. It’s not something you bestow upon yourself.”
CMO by Adobe: Does Your Customer Journey Cater To Mobile Customers?
As an industry leader, Brian Solis was invited to write for CMO by Adobe on a customer’s micro-moments in mobile marketing. He says, “Don’t miss the moments that matter. We don’t just live in a mobile-first world; to engage consumers and drive growth, marketers need to now design for mobile-only engagement scenarios.” Marketing d’influence: quels sont les pratiques et les investissements?
Selon l’influent Brian Solis, pour obtenir l’attention des dirigeants, l’influence doit être défendue par de multiples parties prenantes, incluant les départements marque, RP, relations analystes, fidélisation client, RH, média sociaux et digital.
7th Annual W20 PreCommerce Summit at 2017 SXSW: Brian Solis Presents ‘The Experience When Business Meets Design’
Brian Solis joined an elite group of innovators on the stage of the 7th Annual W20 PreCommerce Summit, a marketing innovation event, at the 2017 SXSW conference.
CMO: Brian Solis Offers Insight on the Fundamentals of CX Innovation
Brian Solis weighs in on the fundamentals of CX innovation in this fascinating article from CMO. As Solis puts it, marketers ‘must have a digital foundation that allows them to study the customer journey.’
W20 Group: Highlights from Brian Solis’ Talk ‘The Experience When Business Meets Design’
W20 Group, host of the 7th Annual W20 Precommerce Summit at the 2017 SXSW conference, has posted key takeaways from Brian Solis’ talk “The Experience When Business Meets Design” (video embedded below.)
B2B Marketing: Top tech marketers reveal their favourite B2B tech campaigns
Sandy Carter, CEO and CMO of Ecosystems, reveals that she loves the Cision campaign around the manifesto for PR, ‘What if PR Stood for People and Relationships?.
She writes, “A great campaign is personal, leverages influencers, engages and focuses on the clients’ value – even in the land of B2B, and this is exactly what Cision does. It uses humour and comics…” and that is what behind the rise of the [marketing] machine,” CMO influencers Brian Solis.