After re-reading the book, Brian Solis “WTF : What’s The Future Of Business,” marketing consultant Juan Carlos Giraldo has a clearer picture of the buyers path and of course a better understanding of the role of the customer and their experiences.
Cision: Communicating Like Never Before is Easier Than You Think
At the Cision World Tour stop in San Francisco this week, Altimeter principal analyst and visionary Brian Solis shared some of his research based tactics for being positive change agents in our industry: “You cannot compete for the future if you make decisions about tomorrow based on yesterday.”
Customer Think: Customer Experience is Dead, Long-Live Co-Design
by Stephen Walden, Customer Think (excerpt) If there is one thing that summarizes what has happened to CX in the last 5 years, its the phone call I received a couple of weeks ago from a UK based IT firm (my apologies to the individual in question): ‘Hi, we’re interested in customer experience, we need some six sigma and lean teams to help optimise our processes’.. Now I have nothing against this, but in its intent it doesn’t represent a…
AdvertisingAge: Why Influencer Marketing Needs to Grow Up
“While paid endorsements and one-off initiatives may offer short term benefit, Influence 2.0 (the next stage of influencer marketing) offers the capacity to become part of the customer journey,” writes Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter and author of Influence 2.0: The Future of Influence Marketing.
Nomensa: The Wisdom of Experience Transformation
This idea of the importance of experience is backed up by Brian Solis in his most recent book X when he states “Experience is the new brand. Experiences are the new brand. The future is experience.” We agree, in fact, we’d argue it’s always been this way!
Connected Futures: Defying Demographics – Today’s Hyperconnected Consumer ‘Generation’
“Generation C is a concept I developed to categorize this new connected customer,” said Brian Solis. Unlike traditional demographic groups, Solis explained, Gen C is “psychographic” — defined not by age, geography, or income, but by behavior. That is, digital behavior.
Traackr: 11 Experts React to Influence 2.0 – The Future of Influencer Marketing
With TopRank Marketing, Traackr commissioned one of the first thought leaders in influencer marketing, Brian Solis, Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, to analyze data from 102 brand marketers and strategists who were surveyed. Experts say posting ’10 concerts’ Facebook meme could be digitally dangerous
Oversharing on the internet has become commonplace and games like this at their core are an innocent way to get to know your network and start conversation. Brian Solis advises people to give obscure answers to security questions.
Usbek & Rica: Devenez un digital champion – petit guide du management en entreprise à l’ère du numérique
Because of his extensive work in the digital transformation of businesses, Brian Solis is considered a managerial innovation guru to follow.
Talkin’ Cloud: State of the Cloud – From Salesforce to Virtualization to Apps
In every business revolution, a single person has to have a vision in order to start it. Whether Brian Solis and the customer experience concept or Benioff establishing the Salesforce growth hacks platform, someone with an idea got the ball rolling.