Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


X by Brian Solis Is an Acclaimed Crash Course in Architecting Great Experiences – and a Must Read for Any Executive or Designer

X by Brian Solis Is an Acclaimed Crash Course in Architecting Great Experiences – and a Must Read for Any Executive or Designer

  Solis’ highly influential book “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design” met with great critical acclaim from top organizations upon its release. :This isn’t just a book, it is an experience. But more than that, you will learn from one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time.” – “The best customer experience book of the Year Has arrived” – Inc. “In math, x represents a variable to be solved for. in business, the x…

Brian Solis Quoted Extensively in CMO Article On Real Customer Engagement

Brian Solis Quoted Extensively in CMO Article On Real Customer Engagement

Solis’ belief that the “marketing function itself” needs to be reinvented is at the core of his discussion with CMO contributing writer Mercedes Cardona in her article “Real Customer Engagement ‘Takes a New Narrative.’ The foundation of her thesis is a quote in a new Altimeter Report that “Brands that leverage technology and data to be most visible in digital media when consumers are “mentally available” will live to see tomorrow.” The report, “Digital Experience Innovators: How Leading CMOs and…

Brian Solis’ Co-Authored Digital Culture Challenge Report Cited In The Financial Brand Article On Digital Transformation in Banking

Brian Solis’ Co-Authored Digital Culture Challenge Report Cited In The Financial Brand Article On Digital Transformation in Banking

The report “The Digital Culture Challenge: Closing the Employee Leadership Gap” from Capegemini in partnership with Solis is cited by Jim Marous, Co-Publisher of the Financial Brand and Owner/Publisher of the Digital Banking Report in his article “Culture Key to Digital Transformation Success in Banking, Not Technology.” It appeared on The Financial Brand site. According to the report, corporate culture is the culmination of how a company works and operates. It is composed of the collective experiences of employees –…

Apple News Features Article by Brian Solis, ‘Five Ways To Improve Your Productivity’

Apple News Features Article by Brian Solis, ‘Five Ways To Improve Your Productivity’

In an article on Apple News that originally appeared on the Quora site, Solis explains “Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity.” He starts by recounting the story that led to his writing of Lifescale. The advice he says has helped boost his productivity dramatically is: Work in Sprints. He writes, “It’s impossible to go from being easily distracted to suddenly having complete concentration all day long. You can’t fix this problem cold turkey. Instead, it’s best to take incremental…

Brian Solis, a Keynote Speaker of the PMK, Speaks to German Human Resources Manager Site

Brian Solis, a Keynote Speaker of the PMK, Speaks to German Human Resources Manager Site

Brian Solis is interviewed about human resources in the digital age in an article titled “Give Human Resources the Human Back!” on the German-based Human Resources Manager site. Introduced as a keynote speaker of the PMK, Solis is asked about the effects of digitization. From a German translation, he says, “The problem is that HR-ler sometimes overlook or even undermine the “human” in “human resources”. One must not forget: Ultimately, so-called human resources is a construct that was developed decades…

Readwrite Names Brian Solis as a ‘The Top Futurist Speakers To Have At Your Conference’

Readwrite Names Brian Solis as a ‘The Top Futurist Speakers To Have At Your Conference’

In an article on Readwrite by Brett Anderson, Solis is named as one of the 50 Best Futurists that speak at significant tech events.  Anderson writes, “No one knows precisely what the future will bring, but some people seem to have their finger on the pulse of tomorrow more than others. These individuals’ ability to see what’s coming next makes them high-demand for tech conferences and events all over the world. Futurist speakers keep their eye on technology, stay ahead…

LinkedIn Names Brian Solis to Its ’15 Business Experts to Watch’ List

LinkedIn Names Brian Solis to Its ’15 Business Experts to Watch’ List

Solis is listed among other business influencers on LinkedIn chosen by the site’s staff. The lead of the article states, “Nothing can match the genuine impact of fellow members and thought leaders who load up our feeds with insightful, relatable, and applicable content. You can customize this stream of information by following specific individuals with pertinence to your career path. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, we’ve compiled a list of 15 awesome B2B marketing influencers and experts that anyone…

Brian Solis Has an Illuminating Discussion About Digital Transformation with Jon Reed of Diginomica

Brian Solis Has an Illuminating Discussion About Digital Transformation with Jon Reed of Diginomica

In an article called “Business as usual is overhyped – revisiting my digital transformation debate with Brian Solis,” Jon Reed of Diginomica engages in a dynamic debate with Solis about digital transformation. He summarizes before he launches into the compelling email banter about the issue: “The debate about digital transformation hype matters. Customers need to see through the vendor hyperbole – and determine the best response. Time to share road lessons – and more data from Brian Solis.” The source…

Brian Solis Comments on “Persuasive Design” In Marketing Tech News Article On Social Media Addiction

Brian Solis Comments on “Persuasive Design” In Marketing Tech News Article On Social Media Addiction

Solis is quoted in a Marketing Tech News article by James Bourne called “Consumers are understanding the risks of social media addiction – but taking the next step is hard.” The article starts with a study by Kapersky claiming that one in three consumers did not know how to fully protect their privacy online.  The research aimed to explore whether the outrage and scandal of various data breaches has led users to improving their data hygiene. The article mentions another…

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