Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Time Magazine Asks Brian Solis if Companies are Being Anti-Social with Twitter and Facebook

Time Magazine Asks Brian Solis if Companies are Being Anti-Social with Twitter and Facebook

Time Tech columnist Graeme McMillan asked Brian Solis for his thoughts on “broadcast” marketing in social channels and whether or not it would lead to “social blindness,” the social media equivalent of Advertising’s dreaded “banner blindness.” The problem with most corporate social media strategies, according to one expert, is that they’re just not social enough, they’re actually anti-social, and that that will lead to “social blindness” and a downturn in overall brand loyalty if left unchecked. Brian Solis, a new…

The American Genius: The Brandsphere Undoes the P.O.E.M. Concept

via Tara Steele, The American Genius, Excerpt Digital analyst Brian Solis has partnered with JESS3 to release a detailed infographic regarding media opportunities available to businesses using today’s technologies. Solis and JESS3 are well known for visually capturing the current state of affairs of social networking from their 2007 octopus-like infographic to the 2011 complex global infographic. Solis said, “In discussions about new media, you will often hear the division of media opportunities as Paid, Owned, and Earned media (P.O.E.M.). Over…

MarketingProfs: Six Social Media Archetypes and How to Reach Them

Via MarketingProfs Studies often classify us into demographics, psychographics or—more recently—by our “online influence” scores. The real question for today’s social-savvy marketers is, What makes us connect and share in our digital worlds? In partnership with agency JESS3, Brian Solis has documented user traits across social networks and put them into 18 categories in a nifty Behaviorgraphics poster. Some personality types you may recognize: Problem Solvers. Among the most common roots of conversation in social media are the question-and-answer sessions:…

Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It? Perhaps It’s the Wrong Question to Ask

I was asked to enter the Bloomberg BusinessWeek Debate Room to make the case “for” Twitter as a platform for journalism – at least that’s how I interpreted it. On the other side, ScribbleLive CEO Michael De Monte debates why it is “for the birds.” But before we get too far down the path, let’s frame the discussion. The original debate topic posed by BusinessWeek, “Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It?” is a bit misleading  and honestly, I think it’s…

CRM Magazine’s 2010 CRM Market Awards – Brian Solis Influential Leader

As part of its CRM Evolution ’10 conference, CRM Magazine announced the winners of its 2010 CRM Market Awards. Brian Solis was listed as one of eight CRM “Influential Leaders” by the magazine. The list of 2010 Influential Leaders: Marc Benioff, cofounder, chairman, and chief executive officer at (see CRM’s November 2009 issue for our cover-to-cover special report on Benioff and Bill McDermott, co-chief executive officer at SAP Doc Searls, fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, head of the individual-empowerment initiative…

PRNews Recognizes PR 2.0 with Nomination for 2009 Blog of the Year

Each year, PRNews hosts an awards gala where they salute the winners and honorable mentions of the PR People Awards, the Hall of Fame Inductees & PR News 15-to-Watch. I am honored to be nominated in the PR Blogger of the Year category along with Tim Haran of Usana Health Sciences and David Westcott of APCO Worldwide. I’d also like to take this opportunity to spotlight all of the nominees across all categories for the PRNews PR People 2009 awards….

Gary Vaynerchuk and Brian Solis Discuss Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

I’ve long promised to start shooting and publishing interviews with those whom inspire me. While this isn’t the official debut of this imminent series, it is a representation of what’s possible. In fact, once I complete the writing for the next book, I will place the video series on an accelerated path to production. Nonetheless, Gary Vaynerchuk of WineLibraryTV has written a new book, Crush It, which will hit the market in mid October. While I was in New York…

Top Media Outlets

Source While social and citizen media expand in influence and reach, we can’t ignore or neglect the prominence, credibility, and authority of traditional media – no matter how dearly we’re enamored with shiny new objects. BurrellesLuce recently published its 2009 Top Media List for 2009, which includes newspapers, blogs, consumer magazines and social networks. I’ve included all but social networks below as the rankings are outdated and inaccurate. I’ll publish an updated list shortly. Top 100 U.S. Daily Newspapers Rank,…

Socializing the Social Media Release with PitchEngine

Over the past few years I have been a vocal and vigorous supporter of the Social Media Release (SMR) for one simple reason – it represented a new and promising opportunity to renew the dialog around improving the foundation for the communication of news, information, and events that left most immune to its overdue potential. It wasn’t a new tool to package the useless and hollow marketing “speak” that is prevalent in so many releases today. It was and is…

The Evolution of Press Releases

Thank you to Erick Schonfeld and Michael Arrington for giving me the opportunity share my vision, and experience, on the evolution of the press release on TechCrunch. There’s certainly no shortage of opinions on where we are and where we need to be in order to improve the working relationships between PR and bloggers, journalists, and analysts and the brands we ultimately represent – including our own. There are just better ways to share information, and hopefully, this post helps…

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