Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The 2015 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards Longlist

via 800CEOREAD Forty books might sound like a fairly sizable number of titles to make up a longlist, but when you consider hundreds upon hundreds of entries, the number forty is excruciating to reach. As Dylan, our Editorial Director, so eloquently wrote last year, “The culling process we undertake during the awards process is always painful. As great as it is to dive into the stacks and discover some books for the first time, and rediscover and revisit some past favorites…

Why ‘X’ by @BrianSolis is a Must-Read for Business and Marketing Leaders

A review of X by Lisa Petrilli Business and marketing leaders need only hear the words, “Your customers will pay more for this,” for their interest to be piqued and attention to be grabbed. Brian Solis does a masterful job in his new book ‘X: The Experience When Business Meets Design‘ of making it clear why it’s so critical for business leaders of all types to understand how to architect superior customer experiences: because consumers (85% of them!) will pay a premium for… Experiences Are The New Brand, And CMOs Are Their Architects

via Giselle Abramovich, Senior & Strategic Editor, “Marketing experiences are the new marketing,” according to Altimeter Group principle analyst Brian Solis. Unfortunately, few marketers understand what the word “experience” means, all the while investing in brand architecture to scale those experiences across multiple platforms. “It is really important for CMOs to understand that brand architecture is sort of representative of a bygone era where brands would tell people through creative campaigns what that brand stood for and why you…

Huffington Post: The Top 10 People to Know in Silicon Valley

via Richard Lorenz (@rlorenzen), Huffington Post When it comes to navigating the difficult waters of Silicon Valley, it is important to know who the big movers and shakers in the industry are. These are some of the top people that have shaped the Silicon Valley that the world knows today. These are also the most important individuals that anyone looking to make their way in this market should know. 4. Brian Solis Digital marketing analyst Brian Solis, focuses on the…

Built in Chicago: The 3 Rs of influence

via Built in Chicago, Marketwired Getting the key players who have the power to influence purchasing decisions for your company on your side can supercharge awareness and lead-generation, but the effort you put into building relationships with them is only as impactful as the effect those influencers have on their communities. How do you find and interest the key players who have the power to amplify your brand message to the right audiences – those people who are looking for… X: The Experience When Business Meets Design

Excerpt of X via Experience is the New Brand Close your eyes for a moment and think about the last time you truly had a great experience with a company as a consumer, an experience that captured your heart, mind and spirit. What about it was special? Let’s call it “X” – that je ne sais quoi that makes something so special. X: The Experience When Business Meets Design is about X, creating such memorable moments for your customers…

11 Social Media Must-Follows on Twitter and Why They’re Worth Your Time

via BuildFire Brian Solis The term ‘thought leader’ is over-used – one of the few people that actually qualify for this title, in the digital marketing arena at least, is Brian Solis. Solis is the author of several books on the evolution of business, including the upcoming ‘X’, and regularly shares informative and enlightening perspectives on digital transformation and the increasing role technology plays in our lives. What’s more, Solis is a great writer and communicator, able to present clear…

Fortune: Here’s the other way Uber makes money

via Sarah Silbert, Fortune The ride company doesn’t only exemplify the on-demand economy—it’s also setting the pace for a new generation of brand marketing. Hardly a day goes by without Uber launching a new brand partnership. On Oct. 21, the so-called Back To The Future Day, Uber offered users in London free rides in a DeLorean in collaboration with Pepsi, providing complimentary beverages en route. Earlier this week, Uber passengers in select cities were treated to free trips in the…

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