Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Social Business is not Dead: New charts and data reveal the real evolution of social businesses

In recent times, I’ve noticed a rise in discussions around the “death of social business” and also an increase in alternative “fill in the blank but don’t use the word social” businesses. Some of those discussions have been hosted here recently. There’s strong merit to the discussions of course, especially those I’ve hosted (be sure to read the comments). But as an analyst tracking the evolution of social businesses and equally the cause and effect of digital transformation overall, I’m…

Today is #GivingTueaday – Please gift our stylish pocket squares and support cancer research

Today is #GivingTueaday – Please gift our stylish pocket squares and support cancer research

Wolf & Wylan – History of the Pocket Square – PART 5 from Jesse Redniss on Vimeo. Joint post by Jesse Redniss and Brian Solis Today is #GivingTuesday and we (Wolf & Wylan) have been officially selected by Crowd Funding platform Indiegogo as a “#GivingTuesday” Partner. This is great news as it means Indiegogo will match 1% of the funds we raise during #GivingTuesday. As the holiday and giving season begins, we need your help. We are personally very proud…

Leadership Unplugged: Stripping out the noise to uncover a new direction

Leadership Unplugged: Stripping out the noise to uncover a new direction

Guest post by Roland Deiser and Sylvain Newton Twenty years ago, on November 18th, 1993, the music band Nirvana agreed to an unplugged performance at the Sony Music Studios in New York City. It was part of a television series called “MTV Unplugged”, which invited popular music groups to perform their songs “naturally”. Unlike in a studio, the sound of instruments would not be electronically amplified and engineered; the artists had rather to rely on the “raw” performance of a…

17 Cartoons that Will Change Your Business

17 Cartoons that Will Change Your Business

When writing my new book, What’s the Future of Business, Changing the way businesses create experiences, I felt that text wasn’t enough. So, I sought the wit and creativity of my good friend from the ole Web 2.0 days Hugh MacLeod aka @gapingvoid to help summarize each chapter in the form of a toon. Then we got to talking, why limit the cartoons to just the book? Hugh MacLeod is not only a dear friend but also one of my…

How to Foster a Culture of Contribution: Communities Take Investment and Engagement, Not Just Content

How to Foster a Culture of Contribution: Communities Take Investment and Engagement, Not Just Content

Guest post by Greg Narain (@gregarious), co-founder of Chute, a social media platform that helps brands and publishers obtain rights to UGC content. Customer-contributed stories are not only powerful, they’re also influential and important. Yesterday, customers conveyed their stories through text and voice. Today, we’ve moved to visually rich tools like photos and videos. While compelling to look at at face value, there’s quite a bit more hidden within. Ever one of these stories affords us much more than just…

Social Media and the Bystander Effect

Social Media and the Bystander Effect

Guest post by Francisco Dao, noted tech author and founder of 50Kings If you logged on to any of your social media accounts this past Monday you undoubtedly saw an outpouring of posts thanking our veterans for their sacrifice along with multiple links to the typhoon Haiyan disaster in the Philippines. As I scrolled through my feeds I started to wonder if the appearance of support was actually discouraging people from helping either group. How many people decided posting was…

The Ultimate Moment of Truth and The Art of Digital Engagement

In 2012, Google along with Jim Lecinski published a fantastic book that explored how digital customers made decisions in what Google refers to as “The Zero Moment of Truth.” The ZMOT as it’s abbreviated, helps strategists discover relevant strategies and tactics on how to show up at the right place, at the right time and with the right content in a digital ecosystem. In a world where consumers “Google it” to begin their digital journey, ZMOT revealed that brands need…

Impatience is a Virtue: What’s Next for Social Business

Impatience is a Virtue: What’s Next for Social Business

Guest post by Philip Sheldrake as a reply to Chris Heuer’s post, “Social Business is Dead! Long Live What’s Next!” As he finished a game of Cut The Rope on his iPhone, my young godson asked what my phone was like when I was his age. I broke it down for him. I was in my twenties before someone offered to take north of ten thousand dollars for a basic digital camera, and not much less for a GPS device….

Introducing Wolf & Wylan, a new line of pocket squares that directly benefit cancer research

Introducing Wolf & Wylan, a new line of pocket squares that directly benefit cancer research

My good friend Jesse Redniss, Senior VP of Digital at USA Network, and I are aiming to bring back the lost art of gentlemanliness with a twist, one that blends style, character and digital philanthropy. And, we need your help. Jesse and I are introducing a very special line of pocket squares in honor of October and the fight against #breastcancer and #Movember to combat prostate and testicular cancer. This very special line flies under the brand of Wolf &…

The New Kodak Moment: Why Storytelling Is Harder Than Ever

The New Kodak Moment: Why Storytelling Is Harder Than Ever

Guest post by Greg Narain (@gregarious), co-founder of Chute, a social media platform that helps brands and publishers obtain rights to UGC content. As a brand who innovated and heralded a technology that made time stand still – the Kodak moment became a colloquialism equivalent to capturing a moment worth savoring forever. For several generations, Kodak was the world’s record keeper. But those times have quickly come and gone. Every moment ever photographed was a Kodak moment. Until they f***ed…

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