Marcia W. DiStaso and Denise Sevick Bortree recently published a university-level textbook to address an important topic by the same name, The Ethical Practice of Social Media in Public Relations. As they were wrapping up the editing of the book, I was asked to contribute the foreword. Upon reading some of the manuscript, the answer was, YES! Of course, I asked if I could share it here with you and I’m happy to announce that it’s included below… About The…
Broadcast Yourself(ie): If You Think Gen Y is Different, Wait Until You Meet Generation Z
How teens use social media and why it matters to you. Generation Z = (Today’s Teens, Preteens and Children) If you want a glimpse of the future of technology and its impact on society, study how younger generations interact with one another today. While everyone is talking about Millennials these days, there’s another, potential more disruptive generation behind them…Generation Z. With the sting of a face palm, you’ll experience a sheer rush of humility as you realize that everything you…
Unicorns, Startups, and Giants: The New Billion Dollar Benchmark in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is more than a place, it’s a movement. While many debate where the “next” Silicon Valley will gain prominence, the point that many onlookers miss is that innovation is at the heart of the crusade. Whether it’s in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, India, et al., innovation is global and its sole purpose is to disrupt our way of life…for the better of course. Just because things have always been done a…
Yo. Srsly?
App: Yo. User: Yo App: Yo User: Yo, sup? App: Yo User: Yo, you for real? App: Yo User: Yo, I’m out. A new app that lets you send “yo” to friends is real and its initial $1 million investment is also real. Merriam-Webster defines the word “yo” as an interjection used to grab someone’s attention. Yo certainly has done just that by grabbing everyone’s attention. Yo defines “yo” as “The simplest & most efficient communication tool in the world….
Every Company is a Cloud Company: The Relationship Between Technology and the Future of Business
People first. That’s where this discussion begins. My guest on this episode of Revolution is NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson. For running one of the leading companies in the cloud business software game, Nelson is among the more grounded and sincere technology executives I’ve sat down with in quite a while. We didn’t discuss innovation, speeds and feeds or key differentiators of NetSuite versus other companies, instead we looked at people, why and how they run businesses, and how technology enables…
Disrupting the B-to-B-to-C Model
Guest post by Gib Bassett (@gibbassett), Global Program Director, Consumer Goods, Teradata Business disruption sometimes happens very quickly, almost too fast to react. Consider what happened to Blockbuster as movie rentals shifted online. Other times it happens more slowly but is no less impactful. Case in point: how online, mobile and social channels are transforming the way we shop and make purchase decisions. The industries most affected – retail and branded consumer products – possess entrenched business models that pre-date…
10 Quotes on The Future of Business
10 quotes by Brian Solis on the Future of Business from Prezly Every now and then, I receive a nice surprise that gives me pause. Today is one such moment. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to share it with you. The team over at Prezly put together a wonderful Slideshare that features some key quotes from my last three books Engage, The End of Business as Usual and What’s the Future of Business (WTF). I could only…
The Accidental Narcissist and The Future of Customer Engagement
Have you ever noticed that your Facebook News Feed is the digital equivalent to “It’s a Wonderful Life?” Perhaps you’ve liked your Instagram stream to that of “Lifestyles of the Digital Rich and Internet Famous.” In each network, and across multiple social streams, you’re fed a visual buffet of travel, food, fashion, celebrations, which in assemblage, tell the story of life well lived or at least a life well curated. And at the center of each of these experiences is…
Connected Customers are Invisible to Those Who Value Demographics
Why Generation-C requires empathy and personalization not marketing… In 2012, I spoke at a conference in Amsterdam focused on big data and intelligence to help businesses keep pace with the new generation of connected customers. I remember watching an informative and entertaining presentation by Dr. Peter Gentsch, founder of the Business Intelligence Group (B.I.G.) in Berlin. While this was two-years ago, a lifetime in today’s new media world, I feel his example is still as relevant today as it was…
Improving Customer Targeting and Personalization Through Social Identity
Guest post by Andrew Jones (@andrewjns), analyst at Altimeter Group covering Social Media and Customer Experience Modern marketing is about more than just informing prospects and customers about products, but building relationships with them. The contextual insight available in social media offers an opportunity to better know and engage audiences with compelling, personalized content and experiences across channels. The following is a condensed excerpt from a forthcoming report. The Fragmented Customer Journey The customer journey has become incredibly fragmented, moving…