Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


An Xclusive Look Behind the Story of X and Why Experiences Really Matter [VIDEO]

An Xclusive Look Behind the Story of X and Why Experiences Really Matter [VIDEO]

I was recently in Orange County, Calif., where I had the opportunity to share insights from X and also host a book signing for the LinkedOC community. While there, event organizer Bryan Elliot and entrepreneur extraordinaire shot an episode for his popular business TV series, “Behind the Brand.” It’s a pretty epic show he produces that rivals anything you see on prime time TV. In this episode, we discuss the story behind the X, what makes experiences matter and how…

X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design

X Marks the Spot: Where Experience Meets Design

Please watch the video below… I’ve met some pretty incredible people over the years. One such individual that I wanted to introduce to is Bryan Elliott, an entrepreneur, writer, event producer and advocate for innovative thinkers and businesses. I originally met Bryan at Blog World Expo back in the day, one of the original big tech shows we all used to hit on the circuit. He’s just one of the nicest (and most connected) human beings you could ever meet at a conference or anywhere really….

Why Mobile First is No Longer Enough; It’s Time To Think About Mobile Only Design

Why Mobile First is No Longer Enough; It’s Time To Think About Mobile Only Design

For the last few years, “mobile first!” has become the mantra among savvy digital marketers. But a mobile first approach seems to be more of an ideology than it is a standard in digital design. Recent research shows that marketers still invest in mobile as an afterthought or as a bolt on to more mainstream digital programs. For some reason, executives still need more convincing to properly fund and support mobile initiatives that span the entire customer journey not just…

How to Know if You Care About Your Customers Enough

How to Know if You Care About Your Customers Enough

Guest post by Jay Baer (@jaybaer), author of the new book, Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers, Let‘s face it: choosing whether or not you hug your haters isn‘t about you knowing how to do so, it‘s about whether doing so aligns with the values of your business. The great paradox Every company says that customer satisfaction is their most important objective, yet their actions demonstrate otherwise. It‘s a paradox, but I find companies that…

The Truth About Creating Customer Experiences

The Truth About Creating Customer Experiences

  Bryan Kramer is just one of those people with whom you instantly bond. For those who don’t know him, he shot onto the social, digital, content marketing scene with fun and fervor. He’s highly regarded as a strategist, speaker and author. He’s also someone I think of as a good friend. Recently, I had the honor, and enjoyment, of shooting an episode of H2HChat (Human to Human) with Bryan and his super smart co-host Suzi McCarthy. The conversation was both…

How to Create Content that Connects with Your Customers

How to Create Content that Connects with Your Customers

Guest post by Jessica Ann (@itsjessicann), CEO and Creative Director of Jessica Ann Media, and author of Humanize Your Brand: How to Create Content that Connects with Your Customers. We’re living in a post-advertising age. Instead of lamenting the past, or focusing on “the good ole’ days” of traditional marketing, we’re now being called to get more real. Everyone (and their mom) is affected by how we’re consuming the fast-paced media of today. And in turn, the content that we create…

26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

Each year at this time, I read all of the predictions for the new year plus the “top X” lists wrapping out the previous year. Add to that the first week of chaos that is CES and all of the new tech debuting in Las Vegas. And each year, I’m left wanting more substance as I plan my research. So, in 2015, I officially threw my hat into the mix with my inaugural look at “25 Disruptive Technology Trends in 2015 –…

If You’re not an Experience, You’re not a Brand. Period.

If You’re not an Experience, You’re not a Brand. Period.

The headline was inspired by my new friend Manuel Diaz, president of  It’s a wise observation that he shared with me while talking about the future of brand and experience in Geneva recently. Luckily, Manuel’s team was on hand to document the experience for an episode of Marche Ou CrĂšve and I wanted to share it with you here. It was the kind of conversation you have in a cafĂ© in Europe over a glass of champagne…and although this was…

The P2P Business Advantage: People to People, Peer to Peer

The P2P Business Advantage: People to People, Peer to Peer

Guest post by Leo Bottary (@leobottary), coauthor of The Power of Peers There are two fundamental truisms in business and in life: 1)Who we surround ourselves with matters; and, 2) We can help each other in ways that can’t be realized anywhere else.  No book, business course, coach or consultant will give you what you can get from a group of peers who share your skill and commitment to excellence. A 2013 study conducted by the Center for Leadership Development…

The Twitter Diaries: Wall St. vs. Main St. and Why an Algorithm isn’t the Problem

The Twitter Diaries: Wall St. vs. Main St. and Why an Algorithm isn’t the Problem

Twitter is automating (part of) its timeline via an algorithm. Cue the panic! Signal the backlash.  Twitter’s new timeline is making investor buy and sell, inciting a media storm and ironically thousands of Tweets questioning the future of social media’s loveable yet difficult-to-categorize social/broadcast network. This has culminated into a ominous theme #RIPTwitter with many citing that the “end is near.” What Twitter is Introducing Twitter introduced an upgrade to its beloved (and oft misunderstood) timeline that is rolling out to all users…

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