Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Note: For mobile users, please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old Feedburner feed. Ever have one of those conversations with someone you care about where you’re left feeling inspired and motivated? They’re rare occurrences in my life. I can count on one hand how many people I’m lucky to know who leave me feeling this way. One recent conversation was with Jim Marous, Publisher at The Financial Brand. If you’d like to listen to that conversation,…

Digital Transformation: Executives Need a Sense of Urgency to Compete Against Digital Natives

Digital Transformation: Executives Need a Sense of Urgency to Compete Against Digital Natives

Note: Please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old feed. Digital transformation is one of those trends that everyone is talking about, but few can pinpoint exactly what it means and why it’s business critical. Yet, it’s the very catalyst that puts companies on a path to business modernization. Companies need a sense of urgency. This is the conversation I had with TechRepublic’s Karen Roby. We discussed the changes shaping digital transformation, including operational models and the…

The Beginning of the End of Likes: Instagram Expands Tests Removing Likes from Public View to U.S.

The Beginning of the End of Likes: Instagram Expands Tests Removing Likes from Public View to U.S.

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri announced that the platform will start hiding “likes” for some U.S. users starting this week. This is an extension of a rolling test in seven countries around the world over the last several months. This is the moment that Mosseri shared the news. As you can hear from the audience reaction, it’s unclear how the market is going to react. At face value, the move is commendable. Hiding likes is aimed at helping Instagram become “the…

How to Keep Digital Distractions from Killing Your Creativity

How to Keep Digital Distractions from Killing Your Creativity

I was on Twitter recently and saw a link to a page titled, “5 must-read Harvard Business Review articles” by The Enterprise Project. Then I noticed that it specifically referenced an article on “how to keep digital distractions from killing your creativity.” “That sounds familiar!” I thought. I was pleasantly surprised when I clicked through see that my article in HBR was selected and also created as a stand-alone PDF. I wanted to share it with you here… “There are…

EA Puts Customers and Data at the Center of its Innovative Marketing Organizational Model

EA Puts Customers and Data at the Center of its Innovative Marketing Organizational Model

EA CMO Chris Bruzzo sees the direct relationships between customer experience, data, user experience and marketing as a new operational mode. That’s what I call X. Marketers who prioritize customer data in their work will find new opportunities to deeply engage their customers on a personalized level. And that’s what customers are now expecting from their favorite brands. But, marketers who simply use new technology to be on trend will find themselves limited to the same old thinking and results….

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

I was speaking with Mercedes Cardona recently as she prepared to write an article on Quantum Computing for Adobe’s Our conversation went beyond business and marketing and explored the possibilities (and realities) of the impact of Quantum Computing on our world. Her article is now live. I also wanted to share the deeper conversation we had that didn’t make the cut. Can Quantum Computing One Day Solve All Of Our Business Problems? Autonomous cars that can avoid traffic jams….

The End of Traditional Marketing and the Beginning of What’s Next

The End of Traditional Marketing and the Beginning of What’s Next

Congratulations to Carlos Gil on the release of his new book, “The End of Marketing: Humanizing your brand in the age of social media.” Carlos is a long-time friend and I was genuinely appreciative when he asked me to write the foreword for his first book. All I asked was that I could share the foreword with you upon the book’s release. I hope it helps you! This is the end of what was and the beginning of what’s next…

Your Online Behavior Funds a Social Currency and Creates a Digital Credit Score

Your Online Behavior Funds a Social Currency and Creates a Digital Credit Score

The Black Mirror “Nosedive” episode is a very real depiction of a possible future of our digital and physical worlds. In fact, there are semblances of it forming in China right now. How you use social media can be collected into a social credit score. Your rating on Uber or Lyft aren’t the only systems tracking your digital behavior and transactions. What you create and curate, what you do, what you say, what you don’t say, who you know, can…

Trust in the Digital Age

Trust in the Digital Age

“We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Source What is trust? According to Merriam-Webster, it is the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Yet go on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or pretty much any social network, with the exception of TikTok, on any given day, and you’ll see truth debated and facts disregarded among your own friends and family. Now, conspiracy theories, disinformation, #fakenews, bots, paid…

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

We live in an era of #DigitalDarwinism. These are disruptive times and they challenge everyone…leaders and executives…employees, customers, and partners…and, you and me. AI, Crypto, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, AR/VR, facial recognition, wearables, IoT/IIoT, 5G, automation and 20 other disruptive technologies will only continue to change everything as we know it. Digital transformation, innovation, and new leadership are needed to survive and thrive. The future either happens to us or because of us. I’ve spent my entire career as a digital…

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