via Chris Heuer, founder, Web 3.1 – Please join us in building our Web 3.1 community, and designing the organization which we will co- own together on Wednesday April 6, 2022 at Beyond Web 3.1. A highlight of the Web 3.1 Leadership Summit was the keynote from Brian Solis, a renowned author and innovation leader at Salesforce. In his live kickoff, he spoke about where we are and where we need to be, to leave the world better off than…
The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto How the People Behind Digital Transformation Lead Change From Within
Several years ago, I published research that I believe is actually more meaningful today. In a post-pandemic world where every company is accelerating digital transformation, executives cannot miss the opportunity to transform their business for a new economy. “Leaders must reassess how digital technologies and information can create new customer value. The alternative is to try to succeed in a digital economy with a pre-digital value proposition.” – Jeanne Ross, organizational theorist, principal research scientist at MIT Sloan School of…
Roadmap: Curating the Internet – Bessemer Venture Partners
Alexandra Sukin of Bessemer Venture Partners explores the evolving movement of curating the internet. In her article, she quotes Brian Solis and a term he coined in Fast Company to describe the rise of social networks based on interest graphs and close-ties as social “nicheworks.” Why is curation having a moment right now? How is the internet being curated today? Curation as a business model…the future is curated. Content is the backbone of culture, and with the rise of emerging…
Designing the Customer’s Experience – Live at The CMO Club Summit
By Jessica Denny, The CMO Club Brian Solis, Digital Anthropologist and Global Innovation Evangelist for Salesforce believes the pandemic fundamentally changed us all, calling it an epochal moment. During the 2021 CMO Club Innovation and Inspiration Summit, Brian shared how people are spending more time in the digital world than ever, but at the same time, they have stronger preferences about what they want from brands. Customers want more than a transactional experience: they want to feel like brands are aligned with their…
Digital transformation: 3 focus areas to prioritize – The Enterprisers Project
via Joe Fizor and Scott Ward, The Enterprisers Project Digital transformation is a business imperative for 2022 and beyond. Consider these three key areas to help ensure a successful strategy. Digital transformation: The term has been around for years but its meaning often remains vague and largely undefined, even for IT decision-makers. As a result, in 2021, an estimated $700 billion in digital transformation spending fell short of delivering the desired results. Common reasons include an overwhelming number of applications…
The Escalating Dilemma of Executive Out-of-Touchness
A few years ago, my dear friend Stowe Boyd reached out to ask an important question in regards to future of work and business transformation. His goal was to cast the light directly on the (r)evolution lead by those who want change within the organization and also expose (and inspire) those who don’t. It’s a subject I’ve extensively studied over the years. In fact, I recently published “The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto” to help those fighting for change learn the…
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Top Futurist Keynote Speaker Brian Solis – The Future Happens to Us or Because of Us
We’re living in a very disruptive time. Digital disruption is all around us. It’s happening to us and because of us. So my message today is really about a choice. You have a choice as to what role you want to play in the future of the digital economy. Do you want to shape it? Or do you want to be affected by it? It’s a matter of “adapt or die.” All of the disruptive technology that’s happening in the…
What is Web3? The Definition of Web 3.0
Defining Web3 Cryptocurrencies, NFTs (nonfungible tokens), blockchain, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), the metaverse, decentralized finance (DeFI), decentralized application (DApp). Buzzwords, yes, but they also represent important trends that are shaping the next iteration of the Web, aka Web3, aka Web 3.0. Web 2.0 was largely recognized as an era of the social web or the web as a platform, combining the “golden triangle” of mobile, social and cloud computing. Web 3.0 business models are built upon the core concepts of decentralization,…
Customers are the Ultimate Influencers; The Value of a Shared Experiences and How To Measure Them
After releasing, What’s the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, I also published a secret “bonus” chapter for those who finished the book and found the Easter egg at the end. Now, I’m making the bonus chapter available for everyone. Why? Because the four moments of truth explored in WTF not only define the modern customer journey, the link between the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) and what I call the Ultimate Moment of Truth (UMOT) is…