Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Social Media Accounts for 18% of Information Search Market

Source: Shutterstock As consumers, I think you’ll agree, prior to making any decision purchase, most of the time, our journey begins with a combination of online search and real world conversations with friends, family and peers. As the Web matures, a greater volume of our attention and focus continues to shift from other mediums to the Web for not only purchase considerations but also for content discovery. It’s how we learn. It’s how we stay connected. Nielsen released a new…

Deleted Tweets Finally Deleted from Twitter Search

Over the years, Twitter search was plagued by an unbelievable flaw. Deleted tweets remained in Twitter’s search index and thus, would appear in the search results regardless of the conscious act of manually removing the tweets from your personal stream. Believe it or not, this problem remained constant much to the dismay of many power users. To my pleasant surprise, Twitter has finally rectified this problem and has officially removed deleted tweets from its index. Now that Google and Bing…

Teens Adopting Twitter

Source: Shutterstock As recently as August 2009, blogs and media outlets reported that teens are just not taking to the Twitterverse, instead opting for text messaging, social networks such as Facebook and Myspace, and other communications tools such as IM. The reasons for not using Twitter ranged from privacy concerns to the devices they used to communicate. Nielsen published a report that surveyed over 250,000 US Internet users to confirm everyone’s suspicions. Teens were among the smallest demographic using Twitter…

The Science of Retweets on Twitter

Source: Young Go Getter Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with “Viral Marketing Scientist” Dan Zarrella on special projects related to Twitter. His focus on social science and psychology as it relates to new media and online interaction and behavior is in line with my philosophy and approach to understanding and documenting socialized media. Zarrella recently debuted TweetPsych, a sophisticated system that uses two linguistic analysis algorithms (RID and LIWC) to build a psychological profile of a…

The Second Life of Second Life

Source Recently, I wrote about a study written by virtual worlds consultancy, which reported that membership of virtual worlds grew by 39% in the second quarter of 2009 to an estimated 579 million. Today, I received an update from the Linden Lab and it appears that Second Life is experiencing a second life of its own. This story begins with an impressive milestone: Second Life Residents have transacted the equivalent of more than $1 billion  with each other while…

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: Crooked Monkey Style

Guest Post by Dr. Mark Drapeau – read his blog, follow him on Twitter I hadn’t heard of the popular t-shirt company Crooked Monkey until I was invited to an exclusive party they recently held. You see, even though they get great press from actors wearing their shirts in movies and magazines talking about their fashion styles, Crooked Monkey is based in Washington, DC not widely known as the fashion capital of the country. And they wanted to do some…

Twitter Celebrity Hotlist: August 2009

Source The power to analyze behavior and sentiment on Twitter and translate it into trends and direction is limited only by our powers of observation and imagination. As you may or may not know, I have assumed the role of data analyst at PeopleBrowsr, in addition to the other ventures I’m running or advising. Recently, I published The State of the Airline Industry on Twitter, the first in an ongoing series of Twitter-centric reports. Soon, I will roll out additional…

Twitter Lists Now Available in Beta

Last week, while attending Blogworld Expo, I logged into Twitter to catch up on a few DMs. Upon login, I noticed that something was just a bit different. My home page featured a sizable banner that announced the “beta” release of lists.  While I knew the release of Twitter lists was imminent, I didn’t expect it so quickly. Essentially, waves of people are receiving access to lists, offering an effective form of contextual curation to follow and stay connected to…

3 Realities of Social Media

Guest post by Michael Brito. Follow him on Twitter, add him on Facebook or read his blog. Source: Shutterstock This post is a reflection of my personal experiences working in the enterprise and does not reflect the point of view of previous or current employer. Reality #1: Consumers already get it; brands are still trying to figure it out Consumers use the social web to talk about everything including products. Sometimes they are praiseworthy, sometimes not. There are no strategic…

We’re Spending More Time with Social Media: Advertisers Follow

Source: Shutterstock The attention dashboard is rapidly emerging as the online hub for sharing and discovering information, connecting us to people, content, and events in real-time. According to research, we’re already spending more time in social networks than we are in email. New studies are only fortifying these findings, documenting an increase time spent specifically in Social Media and blogs. In fact, the Nielsen Company reports reports that time spent on social networks and blogs accounted for 17 percent of…

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