Engage helps businesses and brands build, cultivate, and measure success in the new web and it is now available online and hopefully in a book store near you. Please consider reading the book and if you find it helpful, please also help me share it with those who are looking to learn about social media and how it can help them in their work. This book and all that’s in it, was written with passion and dedication over the last…
In Mobile, Women Rule Social Networking
Based on data collected and analyzed using Google Ad Planner, I recently discovered that in Social Media, women rule. Across almost every major social network, the balance was revealing and in some cases, profound. Facebook: Male: 43% Female: 57% Delicious Male: 48% Female: 52% Docstoc Male: 41% Female: 59% Flickr Male: 45% Female: 55% MySpace Male: 36% Female: 64% Ning Male: 41% Female: 59% Twitter Male: 43% Female: 57% Upcoming.org Male: 45% Female: 55% Ustream.tv Male: 34% Female: 66% Yelp…
The Future of Marketing Starts with Publishing Part 2
As social media moves from the edge to the center of adoption and practice, the future of marketing hinges on the ability for brands to evolve from the broadcasting of one-to-many sales and marketing messages to an authentic media company that creates and publishes meaningful and timely content. In Part 1, we examined the idea that every company is a media company: EC=MC, the various forms of pervasive media in the social Web, the need for editorial calendars, and how…
The Future of Marketing Starts with Publishing Part 1
I recently called for businesses to broaden their perspective of Social Media from an experimental stage of acting and reacting, to one of learning and leading through intelligence, participation, and also publishing. Creating social profiles and broadcasting tweets and status updates is elementary, whereas creating a meaningful presence through the development and dissemination of remarkable content is judicious. What lies ahead is an inflection point in the maturation of social media, publishing, marketing and communications. And, it all begins with…
Can Social Media Help End Malaria? Let’s Find Out…
Sunday, April 25th was World Malaria Day and the United Nations is placing its hopes on you and the social graphs you’ve nurtured to finally end this deadly, yet preventable disease. You see, every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies from malaria and every 10 seconds, another case is diagnosed. That might not mean a lot to you…I’m sure where you are right now is probably the furthest away from Malaria and Africa. But even where you are, right…
The State and Future of Twitter 2010: Part Three
In Part Two of The State and Future of Twitter, we reviewed Promoted Tweets and the new advertising platform and metric system that will test and hopefully strengthen the “interest graph” that connects individuals around relevant subject matter and eventually the ads that they might find relevant. In Part Three, we are going to review the news and ideas that erupted during the Chirp conference as well as the new features that position Twitter as “consumption media” and how it…
The State and Future of Twitter 2010: Part Two
The influence and promise of Twitter is only now starting to materialize. Everything that occurred prior to Chirp has lead us to this moment and as such, is almost worthy of categorization as BC (Before Chirp). Everything that happens now, is almost symbolic of a new movement (AC, After Chirp) and as such, it essentially starts a new chapter in the evolution of Twitter. To truly capture the State and Future of Twitter and all that was revealed during its…
The State and Future of Twitter 2010: Part One
The State and Future of Twitter was revealed to the world at the Chirp Conference. Developers, futurists, reporters, investors, stakeholders, and businesses convened at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, making the journey from all over the world to witness history in the making. My experience at Chirp was in a word, profound. I sit here, right here, right now, attempting to distill all that I heard and learned and its true effect on the general public. The…
Q&A: Social Media Continues to Rewrite the New Rules of Advertising and Marketing
To celebrate the release of Engage!, I was recently asked to share my thoughts on how social media impacts the advertising landscape for the current issue of Winning the Web, a popular magazine related to Web marketing. While the discussion opens with a review of the state and future of online advertising, the discussion also looks at the overall tectonic shift in new media and the profound opportunities that are unfolding. With Ad:Tech San Francisco on the horizon, the timing…
Optimize Your Brand for Sharing and Social Search in 11 Steps
In Part One, we focused on how to make your brand findable and shareable in social media. A white paper by Gigya validates the shift to, and resulting importance of, social search and its dependence on crowd participation. Online businesses must optimize in order to earn referral traffic from social networks. With the advent of social feeds — a live stream of friends’ activity shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter — consumers can more easily rely on trusted…