Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

New Media

The Hybrid Theory Manifesto: The Future of Marketing, Advertising, and Communications Part One

Hybrid Theory |ˈhīˌbrid thee-uh-ree |: The fusion of creative and communications, combining earned and paid media to enliven ideas, unite communities, amplify stories and spark desired outcomes. Part One of Three… Marketing, advertising, service, communications, and business dynamics in general is undergoing incredible transformation. The innovation transpiring across the board however, wasn’t ushered out of vision as much as it was pressured through the democratization of content and the equalization of influence. After years of the socialized media changing how…

The 2010 World Cup Inspires Creativity in Social Media

World Cup Fever is certainly a pandemic with champions spreading enthusiasm and passion around the world. It’s not only circulating from country to country and person to person, World Cup Fever is also propagating through the social graphs of fans in social networks around the world. On Twitter, for instance, it is because of the World Cup that a new Tweet record was established. On Thursday June 24th during the Japan vs. Denmark match, 3,282 Tweets flew across the stream…

Engage is Now Available in the Apple iBookstore

My friends over at Wiley Publishing alerted me to some good news today.  If you own an iPad or iPhone, Engage! is now available in the Apple iBookstore. About Engage Now is the time for businesses to shift from experimenting with social media to strategically designing and measuring campaigns that contribute to brand resonance, positive sentiment, advocacy, and most importantly, the bottom line. While many books, talk about social media as something that businesses need to embrace, most leave marketers…

Engage was Written to Help You Find Answers in Social Media

I recently hosted a discussion on the need to lessen, not eliminate, the emphasis we place on the social media case studies and “how to” posts that are now universal, as they won’t apply to the specific circumstances or context of our challenges, opportunities, and market dynamics. I believe that we should use them solely for inspiration, but not as templates for our work. The best advice that I or anyone for that matter, can offer, lies in our ability…

Q&A: Is One-Way Communication an Oxymoron?

Every now and then, I’m asked to answer questions for other blogs and media outlets – more so lately due in part to the recent release of Engage! The conversations that always trigger new insights, ideas, or perspectives and sometimes, I believe that the discussion is worth sharing with you, here. This is one such discussion hosted by my friend in Belgium, Jean-Paul De Clerck. #Engage! 1) A thought: Social networks are merely a technological extension of our human nature…

Engage: A Video Introduction

Engage helps businesses and brands build, cultivate, and measure success in the new web and it is now available online and hopefully in a book store near you. Please consider reading the book and if you find it helpful, please also help me share it with those who are looking to learn about social media and how it can help them in their work. This book and all that’s in it, was written with passion and dedication over the last…

Twitter Writes Its Own Success Stories

In January 2010, nearly 75 million people visited Twitter according to comScore. While that number seems remarkable, it represents only a fraction of what’s realistically attainable. I believe that Twitter’s growth, to date, is hindered not by its ambition nor potential, but by the company’s ongoing focus on competing priorities rather than showcasing how users can effectively communicate and excel on this unique platform. But that’s all about to change… Every day, millions of potential people are introduced to Twitter…

Q&A: Personal vs. Professional Branding in Social Media

Dan Schwabel is not only a personal branding expert, he’s someone I’ve come to know and respect over the years…and definitely someone I consider a friend.  We recently sat down to discuss Engage and the resulting interaction culminated in a wonderful discussion that explored the state of professional and personal branding in the era of new media. How do you define “Engage” and do you believe that people and business that fail to engage will cease to exist in the…

Q&A: Culture Shock, How Social Media is Changing the Culture of Business

Good friend JD Lasica asked me to answer some fantastic questions for a post he published in celebration of Engage. I poured so much of myself into the responses, that I felt it was worth sharing here with you as well. Many of the lessons and observations below are important for you as a champion, decision maker, entrepreneur, or executive.  Social Media is not only changing how we communicate, we are also changing the culture of business from the outside…

Engage is Now Available at a Bookstore Near You

Following a special and unforgettable debut at SXSW Interactive, I’m excited and thankful to announce that Engage! is available at bookstores near you. When you invest so much into something that you believe will change the way people think, you can’t wait to tell the world. This book is written for you… It helps champions, decision makers, and executives understand the impact and potential of new media and how, when, where to integrate it into mix. It also helps you…

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