Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


2020 Trends: Mobile, Voice, Mixed Reality and 5G Set the Stage for Next Generation Customer Experiences

2020 Trends: Mobile, Voice, Mixed Reality and 5G Set the Stage for Next Generation Customer Experiences

My friends at Keap asked me to share my predictions for the annual, “2020 Small Business Marketing Trends Report.” I wanted to share my ideas with you here as well… Next Generation CX Must Be Designed as Native Experiences for Emerging Platforms Search and content are more important than ever when it comes to the customer journey. Beyond digital and social media, mobile was a complete game changer. But many businesses have yet to catch up with how mobile changed…

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto; Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders from Within

The Digital Change Agent’s Manifesto; Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders from Within

In a world where digital technology is evolving faster than organizations can adapt, it’s no secret that companies are investing in digital transformation and corporate innovation. But who is leading the charge? Often, it’s the individuals who share a deep expertise and passion for digital. And while these “digital change agents” are striving to bring change from within their respective group in the organization, they aren’t necessarily seasoned or trained at navigating the cultural dynamics that drive change throughout an…

Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Personal Innovation During Times of Digital Disruption

Note: For mobile users, please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old Feedburner feed. Ever have one of those conversations with someone you care about where you’re left feeling inspired and motivated? They’re rare occurrences in my life. I can count on one hand how many people I’m lucky to know who leave me feeling this way. One recent conversation was with Jim Marous, Publisher at The Financial Brand. If you’d like to listen to that conversation,…

EA Puts Customers and Data at the Center of its Innovative Marketing Organizational Model

EA Puts Customers and Data at the Center of its Innovative Marketing Organizational Model

EA CMO Chris Bruzzo sees the direct relationships between customer experience, data, user experience and marketing as a new operational mode. That’s what I call X. Marketers who prioritize customer data in their work will find new opportunities to deeply engage their customers on a personalized level. And that’s what customers are now expecting from their favorite brands. But, marketers who simply use new technology to be on trend will find themselves limited to the same old thinking and results….

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

Quantum Computing Will Solve the Problems We Only Dreamed of One Day Decoding

I was speaking with Mercedes Cardona recently as she prepared to write an article on Quantum Computing for Adobe’s Our conversation went beyond business and marketing and explored the possibilities (and realities) of the impact of Quantum Computing on our world. Her article is now live. I also wanted to share the deeper conversation we had that didn’t make the cut. Can Quantum Computing One Day Solve All Of Our Business Problems? Autonomous cars that can avoid traffic jams….

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

How I Help Business Audiences Embrace Innovation, Disruption and Change to Lead the Way Forward

We live in an era of #DigitalDarwinism. These are disruptive times and they challenge everyone…leaders and executives…employees, customers, and partners…and, you and me. AI, Crypto, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, AR/VR, facial recognition, wearables, IoT/IIoT, 5G, automation and 20 other disruptive technologies will only continue to change everything as we know it. Digital transformation, innovation, and new leadership are needed to survive and thrive. The future either happens to us or because of us. I’ve spent my entire career as a digital…

Marriott International Prioritizes Innovation in Guest Experience to Cultivate Brand Loyalty and Drive Growth

Marriott International Prioritizes Innovation in Guest Experience to Cultivate Brand Loyalty and Drive Growth

There’s an old adage in business: A happy customer is a loyal customer. Focus on driving loyalty, and you cultivate a customer relationship that is not only special, but also incredibly rewarding for the business over a longer period of time. By putting loyalty at the center of everything, loyal customers become proud stewards of the brand, advocating their experiences and going out of their way to spend more time and money with the brand. In any given category, their…

Riding the Next Wave of Digitally Driven Innovation

Riding the Next Wave of Digitally Driven Innovation

The cloud is a key enabler of business transformation. IT leaders, business executives and digital transformation architects are migrating to the cloud to modernize operations enterprise-wide. I was invited by IDG/CIO and Microsoft Azure to share my views on cloud-driven digital transformation across private and public-sector institutions. Some of the topics we discussed include: Big data/analytics – how companies can turn data into insights and revenue growth using the cloud, analytics and other tools Workplace transformation – how technology is…

Can AI Save the Retail Industry?

Can AI Save the Retail Industry?

Over the years, I’ve studied retail innovation and also retail stagnation. Among the white hot trends propelling retail startups and giving legacy brands hope are artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision, Internet of Things (IoT), connected sensors and good old fashioned ingenuity. My friend Macy Bayern of TechRepublic recently wrote about the role AI is specifically playing in retail innovation. Her resulting article features insights from industry experts and innovators. I also wanted to share our unabridged conversation with you here……

Consumers Don’t Want Products And Services, They Want Experiences

Consumers Don’t Want Products And Services, They Want Experiences

    Following my presentation at Adobe Summit, I sat down with‘s Giselle Abramovich (also my dear friend) back stage to discuss the importance of experience design and the future of brand in a digital economy. I also got to share the inspiration behind, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design. In this in-depth interview, we also explored my research, work and ideas about how every company should re-imagine brand for an era of digital Darwinism. The questions and answers cover…

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