Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on Experience for Breakthrough Innovation – Sound & Communications

Designing for Digital-First Customers: Focus on Experience for Breakthrough Innovation – Sound & Communications

NSCA hosted Brian Solis in its 2021 Business & Leadership Conference Virtual (BLCv) as keynote speaker. NSCA’s Business & Leadership Conference is the industry’s most notable platform for executive-level education and discussion. Brian’s topic focused on a “Discussion Of Digital-First Customers Informs NSCA Business & Leadership Conference Attendees.” Following his presentation, Sounds & Communications, a publication reaching the commercial AV technology and application industry, shared a thorough summary of his keynote. Discussion Of Digital-First Customers Informs NSCA Business & Leadership Conference Attendees…

The Novel Economy, Generation N, and Thriving in a Digital-First Environment: Futurist Brian Solis on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

The Novel Economy, Generation N, and Thriving in a Digital-First Environment: Futurist Brian Solis on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

What an absolute treat to spend time with my friend Kerry O’Shea Gorgone on the Marketing Smarts [Podcast] for MarketingProfs! — Brian Solis is a digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist. He’s written several bestselling books, including What’s the Future of Business (WTF), Engage!, and The End of Business as Usual. Brian recently brought his technology expertise to Salesforce as the company’s Global Innovation Evangelist. I invited Brian to Marketing Smarts to talk about the “Novel Economy,” what he calls “Generation…

What is the Novel Economy and Why is it Important in a Post-Pandemic Economy?

What is the Novel Economy and Why is it Important in a Post-Pandemic Economy?

Written by Patrick Anderson, Tasktop “Anything is Possible in the Novel Economy” Following the disruption wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, global businesses are squinting their eyes through the dust of the aftermath. Little has prepared them for what Brian Solis calls the “Novel Economy”. Yet despite all the uncertainty and hardship, Brian—Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce—remains upbeat that opportunity abounds, and that “anything is possible” — especially if enterprises center their response around the safety and evolving needs of customers…

Rewired for Distractions vs. Rewiring for Intent

Rewired for Distractions vs. Rewiring for Intent

Part of me wishes that LifeScale was released in 2020. I know, I know, it’s not the most popular year. But it is the year that we were, en masse, informed about our “social dilemma” and also further thrust into living a digital-first life at work and at home, which basically became the same thing, i.e. WFH, WFHLife, work from home, work from anywhere, remote work, et al. Early in 2020, as lockdowns were in their initial onset (in some…

A Conversation About Innovation in Times of Great Uncertainty: The Future of Business and Work in a Post-Pandemic Economy

A Conversation About Innovation in Times of Great Uncertainty: The Future of Business and Work in a Post-Pandemic Economy

One month before the world shut down as a result of COVID-19, I was in Mumbai, keynoting the incredible NASSCOM Technology and Leadership forum. My topics were on the promise of Quantum computing and also a separate convention on the humanity of disruptive technology. You can view my presentation on Quantum here. Shortly after returning home, safely, I partnered once again with the NASSCOM team as part of their #AskAnExpert series on Twitter. The conversation was fast, action-packed, and covered…

Why Relationships and Human-Centered Outcomes Should be at the Center of Digital Transformation

Why Relationships and Human-Centered Outcomes Should be at the Center of Digital Transformation

What role do you want to play in the future. It will happen to you or because of you. You have more power and potential than you may realize. “Change doesn’t have to just come from the top. Change can come from the middle. I’ve seen…companies where you have culture and you have momentum and you have success. So, you can change up and down, left and right, inside out, outside in, you just have to believe that you can.”…

Ten Digital Years Ahead: What Does the World Look Like on the Other Side of AI and Quantum Computing?

Ten Digital Years Ahead: What Does the World Look Like on the Other Side of AI and Quantum Computing?

While in Mumbai to keynote the NASSCOM Technology and Leadership forum, I had a chance to sit down with Suresh Venkat. What an incredible conversation! We explored the role Quantum computing will play in our world. We also discussed technology’s evolving impact on business, markets, and society. I hope you find our discussion helpful! If you’re interested in my presentation on quantum computing, it’s available here. Thank you!  

Frost & Sullivan: The Rise of “Generation Novel” aka Gen N and the Novel Economy

Frost & Sullivan: The Rise of “Generation Novel” aka Gen N and the Novel Economy

Frost & Sullivan recently presented a Webinar Week Series, consisting of five days of 30-minute virtual presentations designed to help participants generate effortless and efficient customer experiences. On Wednesday, June 17th Brian Solis, Global Innovation Evangelist, Salesforce, shared his insights and predictions about The Rise of Generation Novel aka Gen N and the Novel Economy. Read on for a summary of his key take-aways and heartfelt advice about letting go of the “old normal,” and looking ahead to new ways…

Brian Solis Named as Top Futurist Speaker to Have at Your Conference in 2021

Brian Solis Named as Top Futurist Speaker to Have at Your Conference in 2021

ReadWrite’s Brad Anderson published a list of top futurist speakers for 2021, naming Brian Solis in the list. Brian Solis is the Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce where he focuses on thought leadership and research into digital transformation, innovation and disruption, and the cognitive enterprise. Solis is also the creator of “Lifescaling,” a model for living a creative digital life without diversions, focused on what’s important and making the most of the possibilities that technology offers.  

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