Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Future of Work

The Possibilities of Possible

The Possibilities of Possible

Sometimes success is a poor teacher. It lulls us into contentment and complacency.  Instead of always striving for greatness and relevance, we’re instead focused on iteration and incrementalism, improving what is, to progressively  grow our success rather than concurrently challenging what works today to innovate and create new opportunities for tomorrow. Your greatest enemies in breaking new ground are those who have have already benefitted from previous success. They want more and their experience validates their path. But that was…

Business Innovation, Culture 2.0 and the Importance of Shared Experiences

Business Innovation, Culture 2.0 and the Importance of Shared Experiences

Leo Bottary is a well-known author and keynote speaker. He’s also a long-time friend of mine. For several years, I had the opportunity to tour the Vistage conferences as they toured the U.S. I nope to experience the opportunity to meet CEOs and senior executives on their home turf and hear their challenges and accomplishments again soon. Since I last spent time with him, Leo has launched a popular podcast, Year of the Peer, that explores the latest trends driving…

A Real-Time Conversation About AI and the Future of Work

A Real-Time Conversation About AI and the Future of Work

 I recently had one of the most fast-paced, fun and provocative conversations I had in a while. It wasn’t something that happened in IRL. Instead, this real-time conversation took place on Twitter.  Organized by Cognizant and Pega prior to #Pegaworld, I joined Ben Pring, author of What To Do When Machines do Everything as well as Cogizant and Pega executives and AI/FoW experts on Twitter, to discuss the unfolding reality of  AI and its role in the future of work. And, more importantly,…

Crossing Over to the Darkside of Digital and Seeing the Light

Crossing Over to the Darkside of Digital and Seeing the Light

“Yesterday is not tomorrow; we can’t innovate, we can’t do new things by opening old doors.” Paul Miller spends a lot of time thinking about the future of work. In fact, he wrote a book on the subject, “The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future.” I greatly respect Paul’s work and I’ve been lucky to know him for quite some time now. In fact, I was honored to write the foreword to his book. Following that, Paul…

Digital Transformation Needs Change Agents and Leadership Not Just Technology

Digital Transformation Needs Change Agents and Leadership Not Just Technology

Over the last year, I partnered with BMC on a new podcast series called “Digital Outliers.” We hand-picked 11 incredible guests working in critical areas of digital transformation and the future of work including IT, humanities and innovation. The result was humbling. Each episode dives into the trends shaping how companies work and compete. Our guests also offer prescriptive guide points for executives and change agents driving digital efforts to modernize culture, productivity, innovation, and experiences. My first guest in Episode 1…

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a community where doing meaningful things made belonging matter. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a thought leader. I simply shared my ideas and work because I felt alone in my mission to change the future of business. I’ve always believed I couldn’t do…

Leading Digital Transformation

Leading Digital Transformation

Last year, I had the opportunity to speak in Stockholm at Telia’s executive summit on Digital Transformation. After my session, I met with Joakim Jansson to discuss the state and evolution of the digital business landscape. At the time, he was working on a new book, Att Leda Digital Transformation, with Marie Andervin. That book is now available (in Swedish) and our discussion is included. I asked if it would be OK if our discussion was translated and published here to share…

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

Guest post by Mark Burgess (@mnburgess) co-author of “Social Employees: The New Marketing Channel,” a 22-part video tutorial released by, a LinkedIn company. What is the value of lifelong learning, and how do you build it within your organization? Today, the value of building a culture of active learners can be summed up in one word: relevancy. In a recent post for Harvard Business Review, Pat Wadors, CHRO of LinkedIn, argues precisely this. Simply put, organizations that are not…

Do employees hold the keys to Customer Experience?

Do employees hold the keys to Customer Experience?

Guest post by Gib Bassett (@gibbassett), “Companies will invest in digital customer experiences to improve experiences for all customers and employees.” – Brian Solis I’m a huge proponent of the power of digital transformation to help brick and mortar retailers adapt to a world where Amazon dominates e-commerce and is beginning to make inroads into physical retail. The technologies of digital engagement and Big Data Analytics bring much needed parity to traditional retailers’ efforts to create and deliver a…

In 2016, Resolve to ‘Disrupt Yourself’

In 2016, Resolve to ‘Disrupt Yourself’

Guest post by Whitney Johnson (@johnsonwhitney), author of Disrupt Yourself Oft-spoken though it is, ‘disruption’ is not a catchword; it’s a powerful force transforming organizations, communities, and ultimately the world. But it starts small, as an individual choice to change. Companies and organizations don’t disrupt unless their people do. Individual disruptors upend their companies in ways not always welcomed by their associates. Disruptors can be seen as a fifth column, undermining the familiar and comfortable status quo, not to mention their colleagues’…

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