Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Disruptive Technology

Beyond the Hype of Web3: Delivering Utility, Value And Community in the Next Web

Beyond the Hype of Web3: Delivering Utility, Value And Community in the Next Web

Originally published in Forbes My dear friends Chris Heuer and Kristie Wells asked me to open Web 3.1, a new unconference series they founded. The goal of the event was to explore ways to deliver the promise of web3. This article is inspired by the research that went into my presentation and the conversations that followed. You can watch the presentation here. Since October 2021, Google Trends data shows that “web3” as a search term started to take off. The…

Web3, a Decentralized internet, will evolve, but must first pass through a phase of disillusionment

Web3, a Decentralized internet, will evolve, but must first pass through a phase of disillusionment

Source: De Tijd, Roland Legrand, Translated Anthropologist and futurist of the digital world Brian Solis is optimistic about attempts to reform the web, make it more decentralised and give users more power. He warns, however, that this so-called web3 must first pass through a ‘valley of disillusionment’. The web is now ready for a third version, web3, a movement that aims to decentralise the internet and give users more control over their data and possessions. The blockchain plays an important…

De Tijd: ‘Decentraler internet komt er, maar moet eerst door fase van desillusie’

De Tijd: ‘Decentraler internet komt er, maar moet eerst door fase van desillusie’

I had the opportunity to meet De Tijd’s Roland Legrand while in Brussels, Belgium. It was an incredible conversation that I’m sure could have led to a series of articles. Thank you for the honor, Roland. Source: De Tijd De antropoloog en futurist van de digitale wereld Brian Solis is optimistisch over de pogingen het web te hervormen, decentraler te maken en de gebruikers meer macht te geven. Hij waarschuwt wel dat dat zogeheten web3 eerst door een ‘vallei van…

What is the Metaverse?  Defining the Metaverse as it Evolves

What is the Metaverse? Defining the Metaverse as it Evolves

Even though the term is inextricably linked with web3, the popular virtual worlds often referenced today are closer to web2 in operation and business models than they are to a decentralized platform. Roblox, Fortnite, World of Warcraft, Meta (formerly Facebook) Horizon Worlds, Second Life, Decentraland, are all in their own way example of an evolving metaverse. The original term was coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel, “Snow Crash.” In it, he envisioned a place where humans,…

CRYPTOGLOBE: Beyond Money-Motivated Projects – The State and Promise of web3

CRYPTOGLOBE: Beyond Money-Motivated Projects – The State and Promise of web3

via Siamak Masnavi of CRYPTOGLOBE On Monday (June 13), American serial entrepreneur and technology investor Kevin Rose commented on Ethereum, Web3, and the current crypto market conditions. Rose currently works as a partner at True Ventures, where he is focused on “blockchain (NFTs, cryptocurrency, DeFi), consumer internet, and health/wellness.” He also hosts the “PROOF” and “Modern Finance” podcasts. Some of Rose’s angel investments are Twitter, Square, Foursquare, Nextdoor, Blue Bottle Coffee, and Facebook. On Monday, Rose told his over 1.6…

What is Web3? The Definition of Web 3.0

What is Web3? The Definition of Web 3.0

Defining Web3 Cryptocurrencies, NFTs (nonfungible tokens), blockchain, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), the metaverse, decentralized finance (DeFI), decentralized application (DApp). Buzzwords, yes, but they also represent important trends that are shaping the next iteration of the Web, aka Web3, aka Web 3.0. Web 2.0 was largely recognized as an era of the social web or the web as a platform, combining the “golden triangle” of mobile, social and cloud computing. Web 3.0 business models are built upon the core concepts of decentralization,…

A New—and Timeless—Digital-First Consumer Is the Future

A New—and Timeless—Digital-First Consumer Is the Future

via Lisa Boylan, Associations Now, published by ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership Brian Solis keynoted the ASAE Technology Exploration Conference in Washington, D.C. To set the proverbial stage, Associations Now interviewed Brian on his thoughts on a new digital world ahead of his presentation. Disruption can be a gift, according to Brian Solis, bestselling author, digital anthropologist, and futurist. Among the positives: It created an ageless consumer segment that is leading the way. There’s a different, inclusive generational category that…

Humanizing AI, Automation, Robotics, and the Future of Business

Humanizing AI, Automation, Robotics, and the Future of Business

My friend Rob O’Regan is my editor at CIO. He invited me to participate in a clever video series produced by CIO and Lenovo, Late Night I.T. When he told me that the show would be hosted by Emmy-nominated host, and my good friend, Baratunde Thurston, I jumped in with both feet. Our particular episode focused on the state and future of artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and robotics. I was was joined by Anima Anandkumar, Director of Machine Learning Research, NVIDIA and…

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Beyond the hype, Web 3.0 is creating opportunities for incumbent and emerging businesses to reimagine operational models and products/assets that are open, collaborative, and collective. The same could also be true for governments. The difference with Web3 and previous incarnations of internet protocols models is that platforms are decentralized, open and ubiquitous, connected by trustless networks, and powered by encrypted, accountable distributed ledgers. Think Facebook or Google owning and monetizing content and data versus users. In these applications, user engagement and attention…

Managing Machine Identities in an Era of Digital Darwinism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Managing Machine Identities in an Era of Digital Darwinism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Digital Darwinism is accelerating because of the 4th Industrial Revolution. We’re witnessing the “rise of the machines” and also the “rise of the machine identity crisis.” IoT, IIoT, 5G, AI, automation, mobility (work from anywhere), field services, edge computing, will in their own way empower a new generation of connected businesses to engage customers, work everywhere, unlock new applications, and scale in ways that are both unimaginable and also open to imagination. Combined, everything sets the stage for disruption and…

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