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Learn the Language of Twitter


Twitter has sparked its own ecosystem as it continues to rapidly emerge as a viable platform for online conversations, rivaling Facebook News Feeds for attention and interaction.

A group of helpful individuals launched Twictionary, a dictionary and/or translator, to help new tweeters and tweeps embrace and master the language powering the popular micro community and its underlying culture. Power Twitter users and those well versed in the language of the Twitterverse are also welcome to freely contribute their knowledge to help increase the value of the dictionary over time.

On another note, a very interesting post was published at 140characters, a word design collective led by @dom and @adamjackson, detailing the origins of Twitter, “How Twitter was Born.”

Related Posts on PR 2.0:

Introducing the Twitter Bowl
Introducing MicroPR, A Resource for Journalists, Analysts, & Bloggers on Twitter
Twitter Tools for Communication and Community Professionals
Is Twitter a Viable Conversation Platform
Is FriendFeed the Next Conversation Platform
State of the Twittersphere

3 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Learn the Language of Twitter”

  1. Mickie Kennedy says:

    This “Twictionary” is a cute idea, but do we really want to bring Twitter (or other internet) slang into the world of public relations? Would PR pros really forward this link to potential clients as part of how their money would be used in a potential PR strategy? Thoughts?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think it’s really important for us to understand the language of our customers and audience before we attempt to do any type of PR in SM.

    Follow me on Twitter: thebizcoach4u

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