Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

A Visual Journey of What it Means to Lifescale and Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life

Dani Saveker is Global CEO and Founder of The GLAS Group, an organization that offers a simple and effective framework that enables you to do better, be better and feel better in all aspects of life. Dani is also a talented artist who began publishing her Visual Synopses in 2018. She has an incredible thirst for learning and development and so her drawings not only look stunning but seek to capture the messages of some of the world’s greatest thought leaders in her own effort to understand and look deeper into an array of subject matters.

Her Visual Synopsis series has visualized the work of Peter Drucker, Brene Brown, Seth Godin, Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hawking, Tom Peters, and so many more thought-provoking authors and speakers.

One day while perusing Instagram, I noticed a tag for LifeScale attached to an intriguing thumbnail. I clicked through and was suddenly engrossed by the magnificence of her work. I was excited to learn that Dani had not only read LifeScale, but also visualized her journey in stunning fashion!

“Own up to our ignorance honestly.” – Walt Disney

Dani’s journey is beautifully visualized as well as thoughtful and deeply personal. Her deep experience in her GLAS movement allowed her to draw parallels between her work and Lifescale. But, that’s the magic of the journey. It’s yours. It’s personal. No two visualizations would be the same. And that’s what’s so wonderful about it. You emerge a more focused, creative and purposeful…you.

“Happiness is the pursuit of a life rich in purpose.”

Thank you Dani!

You can download a hi-res version here.

LifeScale Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker

This book came to Dani’s attention following a recent Blog post from her friends at GapingVoid. Life Scale presents an intimate and personal reflection of how challenging life can now be and explores a series of ways to improve this. The author, Brian Solis, writes simply and creatively – allowing you to join him on his own journey and come away feeling lifted and better equipped.

Dani found that this book is the closest to her own thinking and the framework she created for a very similar reason – GLAS. You’ll see that like most other VS pieces, Dani has included GLAS within this drawing.

The book is wonderfully illustrated and joyfully has space and a layout to echo Brian’s sentiments. It’s a wonderful read and highly recommended.


Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive, and happy life

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