In an article called “Could Your Business Die from Digital Darwinism: Brian Solis Reveals,” Solis discussed these issues with Adam Franklin, an international social media speaker and marketing manager at @Bluewire Media, the Australian based web strategy firm he co-owns.
Solis defines digital Darwinism as this era when society and technology are evolving faster than the ability for many businesses to adapt. He says, “We’re seeing businesses incorporate new technology into the organization, but it’s not just a technology solution. It’s a philosophical solution. It’s looking inside the organization, maybe re-evaluating the vision and the mission of the company, and uniting what is really – today – disparate groups and functions within the company, to unite under a different or renewed goal, let’s just say. So Digital Darwinism, in order to thrive in this very competitive era, is going to take a much bigger approach.”
Solis also discusses his book “The End of Business as Usual,” in which he took a look at the entire dynamic consumer journey, and introduced what essentially it is that you map. It’s this confluence of big data and what I call ‘the human algorithm’, to come up with that – essentially what is in old social circles, ethnography – to map and show how new touch points are affecting consumer decision making and also consumer impressions before, during, and after transactions: essentially, the new life cycle.
Another key quote: “Businesses are embracing social media. They’re embracing mobile apps, but they’re essentially still reacting to what’s taking place. A customer said this, we better respond. Customers are over in this network now, we better go have a presence over there. They haven’t taken a moment to step back and say, ;Wow. Look, we’re already in a game of catch-up. Technology isn’t slowing down, it’s only accelerating. So how long are we playing this game of catch-up until we say we’ve got to get in front of it?” In order to get in front of it, it’s not just anticipating what the next trends are. It’s anticipating and better understanding what the needs and expectations are within these new technology channels, so that you can then reinforce relentlessly, the value you want to provide, the vision you want to provide, the experience you want to provide.”
Read the entire article here: https://www.business2community.com/expert-interviews/could-your-business-die-from-digital-darwinism-brian-solis-reveals-0466666
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