Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Brian Solis Quoted Extensively in CMO Article On Real Customer Engagement

Solis’ belief that the “marketing function itself” needs to be reinvented is at the core of his discussion with CMO contributing writer Mercedes Cardona in her article “Real Customer Engagement ‘Takes a New Narrative.’ The foundation of her thesis is a quote in a new Altimeter Report that “Brands that leverage technology and data to be most visible in digital media when consumers are “mentally available” will live to see tomorrow.”

The report, “Digital Experience Innovators: How Leading CMOs and CDOs are Modernizing Experiences and Brands for Digital-First Customers,” makes the point that today’s more demanding, digitally empowered consumers are forcing marketers’ hand to embrace disruptive technologies.

But many marketing professionals have let business reasons, and not customer needs, lead their tech implementations. Solis says, “When you understand who the customer is, you use technology like AI and machine learning to scale real customer engagement in ways that are meaningful to the customer. It takes a new narrative, and it takes a new vision that this needs to be.”

Until relatively recently, marketers have been modeling the experience based on the traditional mindset and metrics that existed before. But now that consumers base their expectations on what they experienced from digital leaders like Uber, they expect the same from all brands. This changes the nature of customer experience and marketing, Solis said. But it’s a leap not every organization is ready to take, even if they know they have to. “That takes expertise,” he said. “That takes courage.”

Read the entire article here:

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