Solis is ranked #2 on the latest List of Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencers compiled by research and monitoring tool BuzzSumo.
BuzzSumo is dedicated to helping users find content that is most shared on social media channels, find influencers to particular topics, get alerts based on keywords, brand name, links, author name or domain, and track competitors and do an analysis based on their content.
People have always considered the opinions of their peers as a part of their decision-making process. However, the constant rise of social media has caused brands to increase their influencer marketing efforts in recent years, with a 1500% increase in the number of Google searches for “influencer marketing” over the last three years.
The rise in popularity of all social media platforms has meant finding the right people to work with on social media can be a long and time-consuming task. BuzzSumo’s influencer reports make the process easier. BuzzSumo’s influencer tool allows users to search for topics, domains, or specific users to find the key influencers from within your industry. These individuals, or companies, are then ranked depending upon their ‘influence’ on the specific area users are searching for.
The influencer reports rank these users based on several factors such as the content they create and share, along with the average number of retweets they receive, and the relevancy of their content. In order words, how much they are likely to affect, or influence, a piece of content’s reach.
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