Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Shifting Mindsets from Customer Experience to the Customer’s Experience

UX Indonesia, @uxindo, Unsplash

I recently had the opportunity to partner with my colleague Jon Suarez-Davis on a fireside conversation for the CMO Club. What an incredible experience to hear from so many CMOs leading through change in these uncharted times. 

Jessica Denny summarized the conversation at CMO Perspectives and it’s well worth your time. Please take a moment to read (and share!) Thank you.

The pandemic transformed us into a digital-first society, and now digital-first customers are driving total market transformation.

World-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist Brian Solis is Salesforce’s Global Innovation Evangelist. Recently, he led a CMO Club virtual roundtable about how the pandemic’s hyper-acceleration to digital substantially changed the opportunity to improve customer relationships. It starts by recalibrating our perspective and seeing the world through their experiences. In a digital-first world we meet our customers where they are and engage with them on their terms, in ways they expect. The value they feel in each touchpoint becomes the customer’s experience.

It’s Their Experience

Customers are digital nomads that travel at light speed. We see them for seconds at a time. Their experience is as much defined by exchanges in the chat box as it is with how they use our products.

Loyalty is up for grabs. When they shop, they consider every option and have no qualms about switching brands when companies can’t keep up or disappoint them.

They want immediately available, relevant choices that are conveniently delivered. Experiences must be personalized, flawlessly accurate, fully integrated, and frictionless.

Digital empathy is about humanizing the interactions we offer them and demonstrating that we understand them. They want brands to demonstrate empathy.

Trust is the Universal Currency

Consumers seek out experiences from companies with a higher purpose, whose corporate values align with theirs. They want brands to authentically live their values.

They are open to enduring engagement when their experiences are authentic, human, and meaningful. Value must continually flow.

They want their questions answered. They want their problems solved. They want meaningful collaboration. They don’t want to be sold to. Content needs to shift from promotion to purpose.

Loyalty Through Experiences

Experiences are memorable when they spark an emotional reaction. What do customers feel when they engage with us? How does that come to life in every touchpoint?

Expectations are shaped by both our competitors as well as every excellent consumer experience they’ve ever had, across sectors and screens.

This is an ignite moment. Brands can now become the light that customers are seeking. Businesses that prioritize customer truth, that humanize experience, will build brand trust and meaningful relationships.

Leading Our Orgs in the Transition

We have brand style guides. It’s time for experience style guides to help our sales, implementation, and success teams deliver on-brand experiences for customers in this new digital-first era.

Marketing is the natural nerve center to organize around as the business transforms operations and business processes centered on the customer’s experience.

Innovate quickly. Test and learn. Use the data from every interaction we have with customers to extract insights to inform how these experiences could and should be elevated and evolved.

➡️ CMO Club members can watch the virtual roundtable replay here.

➡️  Join your peers for an upcoming CMO Club virtual roundtable. Check out the calendar of events.

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