Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

readwrite: Customer Experience Speakers for Your Event

Disney Pixar Storyboard Developed for X: The Experience When Business Meets Design

Readwrite published an article that lists the top CX speakers for events exploring customer trends and the future of behaviors, expectations, and preferences. Brian Solis was named to the list along with many of his long-time friends

As a pioneer in digital anthropology, we believe Brian should be ranked at the very top of the list for events where audiences need to understand the human side of the evolving digital story. Brian outlines in a very approachable and engaging way exactly how customers are different from executive impressions of them. The best approach is through empathetic storytelling, understanding ways digital-first behaviors change the very fabric of CX strategy online and also in a hybrid world. After all, Brian literally wrote the book (actually two!) that sparked the experience design movement, What’s the Future of Business? Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, and, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design.

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