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Beauty Packaging Cites Brian Solis’ Digital Trends Research Published at CES 2020

In an article that details the big splash of beauty tech at CES 2020, Beauty|Packaging referred to new research published by Brian Solis at the event.

As products become ‘smarter’ and brands are more data-driven than ever, marketers should strive to be empathetic and “human-centered,” advises Brian Solis, a digital analyst, speaker and author. Solis says marketers should strive to create “Ignite Moments,” which ranks second on his list of 11 Digital Trends Shaping Customer Experience and Brand Innovation in 2020.

Solis states, “Ignite Moments become the ‘embrace’ in important touchpoints and moments of truth.” He adds, “An immediate opportunity exists for marketers to become the light that customers crave. Marketers that create a productive and gratifying customer journey, one that prioritizes customer truth and positive engagement, will build trust and meaningful long-term relationships.”

Please read the article in full, “Personalized Beauty Tech Devices at CES 2020.

For more on CES 2020, please read Brian’s interesting and notable takeaways at Forbes.

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