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Brian Solis, a Keynote Speaker of the PMK, Speaks to German Human Resources Manager Site

Brian Solis is interviewed about human resources in the digital age in an article titled “Give Human Resources the Human Back!” on the German-based Human Resources Manager site.

Introduced as a keynote speaker of the PMK, Solis is asked about the effects of digitization. From a German translation, he says, “The problem is that HR-ler sometimes overlook or even undermine the “human” in “human resources”. One must not forget: Ultimately, so-called human resources is a construct that was developed decades ago; In my opinion, it has done its duty and is now outdated. It has distanced itself from the promise that people should learn certain things, unlearn other things, and in the end, achieve their goals.” Solis adds that the most important HR topic in 2019 is to “gain an understanding of the impact of digitization on the individual as a consumer and as an employee.”

His final quote is: “What is certain is that in the past there was a collective understanding of what work implies. However, these ideas are increasingly dissolving. How the working world 2030 will actually look like? We could all be concerned about the answer. Or we look forward to her eagerly.”

Read the entire article here:

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