Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2014

21 Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2015

TopRank’s Lee Odden compiled insights from some of the world’s most influential digital experts to share their marketing predictions for 2015. Here’s an excerpt with thoughts from Brian Solis… 21 Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2015 I’d love to say that by 2015 we will truly see digital strategies that are integrated across social, mobile, advertising, marketing, comms, et al. But, we won’t. What we will see though is a more conscious effort to bring disparate groups to the…

Digital PR Awards: Brian Solis = Blogger of Year

Digital PR Awards: Brian Solis = Blogger of Year

Winner: Brian Solis Brian Solis’ blog is ranked in the top 10 marketing blogs in the AdAge Power 150 and is also a Top 100 business blog as ranked by Technorati. A digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist, Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing, and culture. His recent blogposts have included “A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era” and “Digital Transformation and the Race against Digital Darwinism.” His research and his books…

Pivot: The Emergence of Digital Compels Businesses to Transform

Guest post by Mike Edelhart, co-producer and CEO of The Pivot Conference (@pivotcon) Historic shifts in business fundamentals don’t occur smoothly; rather they happen in sudden, sharp shifts which open unexpected chasms companies must traverse or plunge. Today, the deep change in human behavior brought about by the emergence of social media marks the latest such shift, perhaps the most dramatic since the Industrial Revolution. Gone are the traditional success factors of operational efficiency and price advantage being uprooted by…

Pivot: The Total Digital Experience

Pivot: The Total Digital Experience

The Pivot Conference in NYC in October is unique among events in that, each year, it shifts  focus to deeply reflect the needs of its community of senior business transformation executives from leading brands and organizations.  To make that happen, I serve as Pivot’s Executive Producer along with Pivot CEO, Mike Edelhart. For four years in a row, we’ve put our heads together to develop a story arc that covers the hottest, emergent trends, presented by the industry’s most engaging…

SEOlympics: Top Marketing Blogs of U.S. West

SEJ (Search Engine Journal) recently listed as one of the best top 10 blogs for marketing and business content. To help all of us become better content marketers (and digital marketers in general), here are 10 top-notch marketer blogs located in the Western part of the U.S. This list was pulled together using subjective criteria, like voice, content strategy, and quality. When it comes to predicting emerging technology trends and the effects it has on businesses and marketing, there’s…

Brian Solis Releases a New Ebook with Vocus: A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era

Via Vocus Do you think that PR just stands for public relations? It actually stands for a whole lot more. In his newly released e-book “What If PR Stood for People and Relationships?,” award-winning author Brian Solis discusses how to build relationships in the digital era. According to Brian, relationship building in today’s world of smartphones, social media and big data requires understanding that your audience consists of real people and that you can accomplish more together than alone. Easier…

Shake-Up 2014 Keynote: Brian Solis with Robin Carey, “Has the Empire Struck Back?”

Rather than present during his keynote, he opted to sit down with Robin Carey at the The ShakeUp this year. The duo discussed the future of marketing with Robin wondering, “Has the Empire Struck Back?” In a moment of humility and complete transparency, digital analyst, anthropologist and author Brian Solis shared the true state of digital marketing, why “we’re” part of the problem and what to do now and in 2015 during.

A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era

A Manifesto for Building Relationships in the Digital Era

Not too long ago, my dear friend Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) and I set out to explore a new world of visual communication that combined an intentional form of written storytelling illustrated through clever yet pithy cartoons. That work was originally brought to life in #WTF (What’s the Future of Business). The engagement around Hugh’s work eventually spilled over from print to online with readers sharing their favorite Hugh cartoons via Tweets, Instagrams, Vines, Pinterest, et al. We were inspired to…

Introducing N3TWORK, A Mobile Television Network Powered by Interests and Context

Introducing N3TWORK, A Mobile Television Network Powered by Interests and Context

Early on, I was one of the first analysts to explore the dynamics of the interest graph versus the social graph in social networks. Think Twitter vs. Facebook. I learned right away that interest graphs tend to share connections based on topics rather than relationships. I also found that every person possesses a series of 6-10 interest graphs that together form a social graph.  Google refers to these groupings as “Circles.” The notion of manually organizing people by interests though…

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