Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2014

The Future of Everything? It’s About People Connecting with People

The Future of Everything? It’s About People Connecting with People

These last few years have been an interesting ride. As fun as it has been, it is the next few years that will be the most telling and also transformative if all goes according to plan. As quickly as time flies, it’s important not to lose sight of the things that remind us of why we’re on this path together. I recently stumbled across a conversation with Eric Jacobson in which I shared what was driving me at the time…and…

Russel Brand and Brian Solis to Take the Main Stage at SXSW 2015

Russel Brand and Brian Solis to Take the Main Stage at SXSW 2015

SXSW announced the first round of Convergence Programming for the 2015 festival, including an interview with Russell Brand and a panel with Brian Grazer. Categories that fall under the umbrella of Convergence Programming include SXSW Comedy, SXsports, Future of TV, Digital Domain, a variety of different meet-ups and the Featured Sessions. While Convergence Programming happens throughout the entire week of SXSW, Convergence Day — where Interactive, Music and Film overlap — will occur on Tuesday, March 17. Thus far, Featured Sessions include a panel…

Shel Holtz: The customer has spoken – Every employee must be socially engaged

Shel Holtz is a leading expert on employee and customer engagement and in this compelling article, he demonstrates quite convincingly the need to invest in engagement and new technologies to compete in the digital economy. Among the many stats and thought leaders Holtz shares in his work, he also featured the recent research by Brian Solis and LinkedIn on . Excerpt: Employees who are socially engaged “are more likely to drive greater lead generation, cultivate innovation, and yield top talent,”…

Skully Systems is About to Change How We Drive

Skully Systems is About to Change How We Drive

Skully Systems changed my life and I don’t say that lightly. I’m a motorcycle enthusiast. I’m also a father. Most of the time my bikes stand proudly in my garage showcasing their beauty for an audience of one. I ride on occasion, usually an exceptional opportunity that manifests in the form of weather, stress and guilt. But even then, as I get older, the rides become less frequent, shorter and less ambitious. With the AR-1, Skully is going to change…

The 6 Pillars of Social Commerce [VIDEO]

In April 2012, I wrote a piece that explored online social behavior and its impact on commerce and decision-making. The work was inspired by a series of studies based on the work of Robert Cialdini that identified six universal heuristics that shoppers use to make decisions. The importance of social psychology can not be overstated. This branch of psychology deals with how people think about influence and how individuals relate to one another. The social economy is shaped by how…

TechRepublic: 9 social media trends to watch in 2015

TechRepublic’s Erin Carson examined some of the biggest trends for social media in 2015. Brian Solis added his thoughts on how to make it matter again… Excerpt: “This is where marketing and social and the future of all of this stuff really have a tremendous opportunity to take a step back and understand what it is we’re trying to do in the first place, and how we can add value in order to take value from each of these platforms,”…

Employees are as or More Important Than Customers: Why Ignoring Employee Engagement Hurts Business

Employees are as or More Important Than Customers: Why Ignoring Employee Engagement Hurts Business

In a late 2013 study, Gallup found that only 13% of workers actually feel engaged at their jobs.  What’s worse is that 63% of the workforce is not engaged at all. But wait, the news gets even more disheartening. An astounding 24%, one-quarter of the global workforce, is actively disengaged right now. Essentially we have a significant number of workers doing their best impression of corporate zombies who go through the everyday motions to collect a paycheck. So are employees…

TheStreet: 9 1 inShare Link Comment Do Twitter and Facebook Have to Fear Justin Bieber-Backed Shots?

Jenn Van Grove writing for TheStreet dug into the rumors of whether or not Twitter would acquire Shots. Speculation aside, the Shots  twenty-something and younger female demographic is both coveted and elusive by advertisers. An acquisition by any network would be strategic in any monetization strategy. Van Grove reached out to Brian Solis, among others, for comment… If sharing a selfie seems like a ridiculous form of communication, then you’re most likely not a user of mobile application Shots, the…

French web: Le Debrief de la semaine, avec Brian Solis, digital analyst, Altimeter Group

Par Marion Moreau, FrenchWeb Brian Solis, digital analyst chez Altimeter Group, est l’invitĂ© de Frenchweb pour ce nouveau Debrief de la semaine tournĂ© Ă  LeWeb’14. Il revient sur l’évĂ©nement, et les grandes tendance : le mobile, notamment en Asie, le secteur des VTC avec la levĂ©e de fonds de SnapCar, SoundCloud qui pourrait ĂȘtre valorisĂ© plus de 1,2 milliard de dollars, la monĂ©tisation de Twitter

Anche quest’anno, Ăš tornato sul palco di LeWeb Brian Solis (nella foto), Principal di Altimeter, per parlare di disruption. Per Solis, si tratta di qualcosa che interrompe le regole e cambia il comportamento delle persone e dei mercati che questa volta racconta da una prospettiva diversa, quella di disruption come ecosistema. “L’innovazione Ăš una costante e noi dobbiamo cominciare a pensare alla tecnologia in modo differente se vogliamo creare qualcosa che continui a far parlare di sĂ© nei prossimi 10 anni”, dice Solis….

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