Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

How to Recognize Disruptive Opportunities

On this edition of Revolution, I’m joined by venture capitalist Mark Suster (@msuster). Together, we explore the state of innovation and the differences between emerging and disruptive technology and its impact on business and culture.

Whether you’re a business strategist, an entrepreneur, or an investor, innovation is part of your livelihood. As a result, recognizing opportunities to invest, change or innovate is now a fundamental part of business. This is why businesses must dedicate resources to evaluating technology as it begins to influence desirable markets. More importantly, the ability to recognize opportunities must be matched with the ability to experiment and ultimately contribute to the adaptation of current business models.

Moving at the pace of real-time isn’t fast enough any more. By looking ahead and studying emerging trends, you will have the insights necessary to introduce change into the organization before “what’s next” becomes the new reality. This way, you can compete faster than real-time.

Suster is a 2x entrepreneur who has “gone to the Dark Side” of venture capital. After selling his last company to Salesforce, he joined GRP Partners as a General Partner. Today, he focuses on early-stage technology companies.

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The End of Business as Usual is officially here…




7 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “How to Recognize Disruptive Opportunities”

  1. Anonymous says:

    VC Mark Suster: Twitter is Way More disruptive than Facebook. Silicon Valley not focused on Customer Support. The trend to More Openness is not going away. (Watch this video)

  2. Bill Hibbler says:

    Fantastic interview, Brian! I appreciated Mark’s insights into what AMEX’s partnership with FourSquare as well as how businesses should be thinking more about the Goose and less about the Golden Egg.

  3. philvogel says:

    Brian…I agree with @billhibbler fantastic interview. The distinction between the golden egg and the goose is profound!

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