Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Ideas Connect Us More than Relationships

Earlier in the year, I was invited to share my thoughts and observations on the state of and vision for socialized media and the networks that connect us. Shot in a mobile studio outside of the Austin Convention Center during SXSW09, I joined Gary Bolles to discuss the theory that ideas are the “ties that bind” us in social networking – over relationships.

In the era of Web 1.0 and instant messaging, we assumed, in many cases, alter-egos rather than embracing full transparency. After all, interpretation was pervasive. We added only those contacts whom we knew, both professional and personal. Now however, we find ourselves following those we know and those we wish to know. We are forming contextual networks based on shared themes, interests, passions, beliefs, and ideologies and it is transforming how we interact and establish relations and relationships online. We now willfully share ourselves with those online and in return, we’re encouraged by reactions and empowered through every new connection we earn.

Watch the series at The Nokia Ideas Project, or view each installment below…

Video 1: Ideas Connect Us More than Relationships

Video 2: We’re Becoming Information Curators

Video 3: Charting a Personal Social Map

Video 4: It’s not the Technology but the Sociology that’s Changing

Other notable interviews include:

Jeff Jarvis

Esther Dyson

David Hornik

Doc Searls

Loic Le Meur

Reid Hoffman

Chris Anderson

Dan Gillmor

Ron Conway

Clay Shirky

Mitch Kapor

Kevin Werbach

Ann Winblad

Connect with Brian Solis on Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, or Facebook

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114 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Ideas Connect Us More than Relationships”

  1. Brett says:

    Sweet interviews, Brian. Video 2 was my favorite; the idea that we can now show exactly who we are with people using social media to establish truer connections through ideas is astounding. With better filtering in the future, those connections will become easier to make.

  2. How relevant is a tool like twitter friends? You mentioned it and I looked at it. It lists people I haven't talked to in MONTHS as people I respond to. I have daily conversations with a ton of other people, and yet it keyed in on those from months ago. That implies irrelevance to me.
    The sociology of things…interesting phrase. Interesting to me because as I've paid attention to relationships around me, I've noticed, obviously, you. How does it change who you interact with? Do you have a whole new set of relationships based on people you see around the web that you find interesting? Or are your 'friends', those you communicate with on a regular basis, only those you discover based on the influencers on your radar?
    I'd like to talk to you about this. I'll send email. 🙂

  3. true.. that's why business or political or other visionaries are successful. Visions (ideas) attract people and make them follow/like someone! Awesome insight.. gonna look deeper in this!

  4. sarah84 says:

    they go the same way, if some one lost way, he will leave them, alway so
    lamb music

  5. contentfactor says:

    Brian, I appreciate the responsibility and control implied by the notion of a content curator. Your remarks are profound for helping shift the approach to social media away from a “popularity contest” towards a meaningful exchange of ideas. That shift is especially useful to people and companies who aspire to be thought leaders.

    I blog about thought leadership marketing, and wrote a post with more commentary:

  6. danielmckean says:

    Brian, these are words of wisdom everyone should reflect on and as needed used to re-evaluate their own social purpose. You're thoughts should resonate widely. Thanks for sharing.

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