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TwitCam Lets You Host Live Video Chats in Twitter

Video on Twitter has offered a way for brands and spokespersons to visually share a more human side of the company with friends and followers. Up until now, 12seconds, Seesmic Video, TwitVid, Twiddeo, Twitc, TwitLens, and Tweetube, offered the most common and seamless bridges for connecting short (episodic) videos directly to the Twitter stream. In the last two weeks, we’ve been introduced to two new solutions video solutions for Twitter, that combine live video, Twitter streams and community interaction in one window.

While services such as Qik, and ustream have provided hosted and brandable platforms for live video and community engagement for a while now, we haven’t yet witnessed an integrated application for Twitter.

At the Real-Time Stream Crunchup hosted by TechCrunch in Redwood City recently, demonstrated CamTweet, a upcoming service for broadcasting live video on a branded channel and hosting an aggregated forum for people to tweet responses that appear inline.

Lifestream was so inspired by the demo of CamTweet (as viewed over uStream) that the company developed, and launched, Twitcam ahead of the official release of CamTweet.

Perhaps what’s most interesting here is that this is a way of hosting an engaging series of discussions that extend beyond the hosted channel – resonating across twitter and wherever each person on twitter subsequently syndicates their Tweets. This potentially extends the real-time dialogue across social networks and other aggregations services and  activity streams that can appeal to attract additional viewers.

Both services are ideal for hosting live discussions, demonstrations, training sessions, product launches, news conferences, support sessions, or general discussions to share relevant information and knowledge.

Just remember, no matter how low the barrier to entry or how wide-open the threshold for publishing content, you are defined by the perception of those who view, read, or discuss your brand.

Give them something (you want them) to talk about….

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Now available (click to purchase):

75 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “TwitCam Lets You Host Live Video Chats in Twitter”

  1. Yael says:

    You can post a screencast to twitter using
    Check it out.

  2. Lisa Lomas says:

    I want to know which is the best, great list here but I am keen to run with one. Which one do you use?

  3. I think this is a great solution for brands that want to track real-time conversations. The problem they may have is adjusting on the fly if they got a negative comment.

  4. Michelle says:

    I can't wait to use this application! I believe this is a great move on Twitter's part because it allows people to become even MORE interactive with each other. Thanks for the great information and I'd also like to say that I LOVED your talk on Social Media PR–it was very informative!

  5. derekshowerman says:

    I posted a Poll about this and it was met with a snooz.

  6. Having all the chat discussion within twitcam, concurrently sent to twitter, is going to dilute the quality of twitter posts.

    It would be nice to see a toggle that would allow the user to selectively post chat room messages to twitter, when they think what they are saying is tweet worthy.

    Much of the fun of chat roms is being able to have a free flow of unedited conversation. In this case, much of that might not be appreciated by your twitter followers.

  7. porntopiafreesex says:


  8. porntopiafreesex says:


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