Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Rick Mahn Names PR 2.0 in His Top 10 List of Daily Blogs to Read

Rick Mahn is calling attention to the fact that we have a lack of it – attention that is, and he’s doing something about it.

Per Mahn’s recent post:

Recently I’ve mentioned on Twitter about getting tired of the information overload. What it really is, is that I’ve jammed almost 200 feeds in Google Reader and am having trouble getting value out of all the information.

To rectify this, I started by identifying my Top 10 bloggers. Why? Because I get the most value out of their writing. I’m going ”old-school” on them and actually visiting their blogs every day and reading their content in it’s “native environment” instead of the text in a feed reader.

He named PR 2.0 in his top 10, er, 11 blogs. It’s an honor to stand in such amazing company, as I have looked up to, and been inspired by, many of the writers on the list.

Chris Brogan
Kent Newsome
Mathew Ingram
Brian Solis
Liz Strauss
Doc Searls
Brian Clark (CopyBlogger)
Darren Rowse (ProBlogger)
Dan Schawbel
Chris Cree
Jeff Pulver

Thank you Rick! Just FYI, I’m trying not to post daily, but feel I need to increase the frequency if you’re going to be stopping by more often 🙂

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Rick Mahn Names PR 2.0 in His Top 10 List of Daily Blogs to Read”

  1. Rick Mahn says:

    Brian, thanks for mentioning me! I really appreciate it. I really enjoy the information in your blog – don’t feel the need to change frequency just because of me. I’m quite satisfied with how often everyone posts.


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