Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Starting the Conversation on June 11th in Palo Alto

Artwork by Hugh McLeod of Gapingvoid

All too often I hear from proactive people that want to engage in social media, but don’t necessarily know where to start. Then there are those who do participate through blogs, social networks, and other social tools, but aren’t quite sure how to tie it all together into a bona fide business-oriented campaign.

Over the last year I’ve been speaking quite a bit about social media and how to not only engage, but why you should. For the first time, however, I will be doing so unplugged. The room is intimate. The speakers are among the most vocal and visionary in the world of social media and it’s an all day exchange.

This workshop is being hosted by author/consultant Shel Israel, with additional instruction and insights from social software & marketing strategist Deborah Schultz, Web Strategist Jeremiah Owyang, Social Media Club Founder Chris Heuer, Social Media Evangelist Howard Greenstein and me. Giovanni Rodriguez, founder of Hubbub, recently completed a study of 50 social media business cases and he has agreed to make his first public presentation of them.

ā€œStarting the Conversationā€ is a day-long, hands-on, interactive workshop to help professional communicators ā€˜getā€™ social media programs started painlessly and effectively in the corporate workplace.

Click here for the agenda. To register, click here and enter “BRI” as the promotion code for an additional $100 off the ticket price.

For more on the subject, please see posts by Jeremiah Owyang and Shel Israel. Also, see Under the Radar’s post on the workshop.

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Starting the Conversation on June 11th in Palo Alto”

  1. Bill says:

    Wow, sounds like the place to be on June 11th…I’m sorry I am too far away to attend. Makes me want to start a Social Media club here in the Dallas, Texas area…

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