Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: work

Employees are as or More Important Than Customers: Why Ignoring Employee Engagement Hurts Business

Employees are as or More Important Than Customers: Why Ignoring Employee Engagement Hurts Business

In a late 2013 study, Gallup found that only 13% of workers actually feel engaged at their jobs.  What’s worse is that 63% of the workforce is not engaged at all. But wait, the news gets even more disheartening. An astounding 24%, one-quarter of the global workforce, is actively disengaged right now. Essentially we have a significant number of workers doing their best impression of corporate zombies who go through the everyday motions to collect a paycheck. So are employees…

Five Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Five Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Guest post by Jacob Morgan, author of the newly released, The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization. You can connect with Jacob on Twitter or email him directly: If there’s one thing that we can all agree on it’s that the world of work is changing…quickly. The way we have been working over the past few years is NOT how are we are going to be working in the coming years….

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Change is in the air. With disruptive technologies hitting businesses from the outside in and the inside out, how companies invest in technology and ultimately how people use it to get work done is under significant re-evaluation. At the same time, the rising workforce clash between older and younger generations is also pushing HR to radically reform management processes and education programs. Indeed, change is the air. In fact it’s imminent. But change is never programmatic nor is it ever…

Let Digital Natives Be Your Guide in Defining the Future of Work

Let Digital Natives Be Your Guide in Defining the Future of Work

Don’t let complacency undermine your company’s hyperconnected present and future. Pervasive technology fundamentally changes how people communicate, discover and connect. With smartphones and tablets serving as digital ­appendages, we focus on small screens throughout our day, every day and in all we do. Technology’s biggest impact, however, is not so much on the devices or the apps we use, but on our behavior. Specifically, it affects how we learn, how we buy, how we work, and how we influence and…

The Disconnect in Connecting the Workplace

The Disconnect in Connecting the Workplace

There’s a lot of talk about the future of work… Technology is indeed connecting us in ways that improve communication, discovery and connectivity. The world is becoming a much smaller place as a result. Chances are that you are connected in one network or another to people in at least 12 other countries. Although social networking and smartphones are relatively new as a staple in the everyday life of adults and kids, how we as consumers use these networks and…

The Millennial’s Guide To Surviving Corporate America

The Millennial’s Guide To Surviving Corporate America

Guest post by Michael Price (@michaelpriceles), millennial and author of “What Next? the Millennial’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the Real World” A new generation has emerged and they now make up 36% of the U.S. workforce (source: U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics). Many have called them lazy, entitled, and unprepared to take on the challenges of the real world. They can often be seen walking into a hiring manager’s office with a gold star on their shirt,…

Twitter and Facebook: The New Tools of Productivity or Distraction

The argument is strong on either side of the case: do social networks increase or decrease productivity on the job? It’s a landmark case where the decision will ultimately determine the fate of business within respective online communities of influence. Perhaps however, it’s also a decision that we may never realize. On one side, the focus of employees and the output of their time and energy, is essential to the livelihood of the company that employs them. Unregulated distractions, especially…

Jott Boosts Mobile Productivity Through the Power of Voice

Recently I wrote about Pinger and how it was a useful tool for using your voice to send “voicemail-based” text messages to individuals as well as different groups. I still use it for very specific messaging with my various teams. In addition to Pinger, there’s a new service which I can’t seem to stop using. And, since I’m on the road quite a bit these days, it is helping me keep pace with my workflow as if I were in…

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