Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: womma

Culture Shock: Culture’s Impact on Social Marketing and Business

Guest post by Ekaterina Walter, a social media strategist at Intel. She was recently elected to serve on the Board of Directors of Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA). Follow her on Twitter Culture is one of the largest components of how we communicate: not just how we say something but how we choose the tools we use to get a message across. This is as true for social media as it was for the telegraph. For example, if you…

Redefining Viral Marketing

In September 2008 at Web 2.0 Expo in New York, I shared something that many, to this day, believe to the contrary, “There is no such thing as viral marketing.” The declaration was empathetic in its direction to those marketers who have been on the receiving end of directives instructing them to create and unleash viral content. In parallel, the statement was aimed at those decision makers who assign such projects. Content, no matter how brilliant, creative, abstract, or controversial,…

Social Media Club Makes TechCrunch re: Our Initiative on Blogging Ethics

Tonight we’re hosting a roundtable entitled, “Talking About Disclosure” to discuss honesty, ethics, and disclosure – the things that will serve as a solid foundation for blogs as well as helping to escalate credibility in the blogosphere, among consumers, and among traditional journalists. The event even made TechCrunch today. Thanks Mike! Arrington (along with many other important bloggers) have been both in the spotlight and the hotseat in regards to blog posts and how, why, and when to disclose business…