Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: why


Why? Why ask why? Why not? Why make excuses? Why ignore what it is that will help you stop making excuses? Why stay where your dreams are suffocated? Why would you settle for less than anything than you believe in? Why be unhappy when you could be appreciated for what makes you…you? Well, because it’s [seemingly] easier. But, it’s not who you really are… It takes courage to follow your dreams, courage most cannot find, but that’s why you are…

People use social networks to connect with friends and family, sometimes brands

I have to be honest, the headline is a bit hypocritical. I spend most of my time helping businesses embrace the opportunity to understand customer needs and engage with them in ways that they appreciate and value. Contrary to popular belief however, everyday consumers aren’t flocking to social media to build relationships with their favorite brands or local businesses. The truth is that consumers are using the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, et al. to connect with friends and…

The Number One Least Asked Question in Social Media…Why?

The number one least asked question in social media is also the most important… Asking “why” in all aspects of business and life in general is unexploited. Day in and day out I help businesses understand the opportunity that lies within new media, not because of Twitter or Facebook. I do so because opportunity is pervasive in the hearts and minds of consumers everywhere. We just have yet to really understand for what reason. Report after report, post after post,…

Is Your Business Antisocial?

I ask with sincerity, is your business antisocial? Take a moment before you respond. I understand you may have Facebook and Twitter presences. Your business may broadcast on YouTube. Perhaps your executives are blogging. If you’re among the more sophisticated organizations, the team is probably subscribing to elaborate monitoring services to listen more effectively. And, with all of the social objects produced inside the organization, it’s come to the point where a content management system or social media management system…

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