Source There are many of us running back and forth from the edge to the center who would love to drop “2.0” from new evolution of PR. Hey, it’s even the name of this blog, and has been for years, but there’s a reason I haven’t changed the name yet. The subject itself is a catalyst for healthy, informative, and motivating conversations. I was reminded of this as good friend Kami Huyse shouted on Twitter recently, “I hate PR 2.0…
Discovering and Listening to Conversations in Twitter
We all know Twitter is an essential example of the conversations that help define Social Media. What if we could find the conversations that were important to us, even if we don’t follow the people engaged in those conversations? I think it would transform one of the hottest conversation-based communities on the Web into a goldmine of information and and catalyst for forging new relationships. In August 2007, I wrote about a public discussion including Chris Messina, Stowe Boyd, and…
Lifestreams and Activity Feeds Channel Your Online Brand
Friendfeed officially launched this week making it the latest entrant into the foray of applications dedicated to channeling lifestreams and activity feeds. It also happens to be the newest ambassador for the emerging microblog and micromedia categories. FriendFeed offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends,” said Bret Taylor, FriendFeed co-founder. It’s a great way to sift through the overwhelming amount of information available on the Web. FriendFeed has the information that you care about, because it’s…
Twitxr is the Twitter for Pictures
by Brian Solis We have Twitter for text, Seesmic for video, Jott for voice, utterz for all forms of multimedia, and now we have Twitxr for your pictures. Yep, it’s the latest shiny new micromedia service – meaning that you’re can share and discovery content in “Byte-sized” portions. Twitxr, however, allows you to tell your story through text and pictures. Michael Arrington of TechCrunch calls it photoblogging. But, if Twitter and Tumblr are to blogging what twitxr is to photoblogging,…
Transforming Customers into Evangelists: The Art of Listening and Engagement
I recently hosted a workshop at the Satisfaction event, Customer Service is the New Marketing. The topic I’m focused on was, “How to Listen to the Market and How to Engage Customers Online.” Fellow workshop leaders include Christopher Carfi, Deb Schultz, Chris Heuer, Jeremiah Owyang, Becky Carroll, and Douglas Hanna. Empowering your customers to become an extension of your marketing and sales forces isn’t new, but it isn’t widely embraced either. In fact, the function of most customer service has…
Twitter is a Conversation Hub, But It’s Only One of Many
Jeremiah Owyang has concluded that some conversations are moving to Twitter. He’s right. According to Owyang (who’s a good friend, so it’s strange to refer to him in the AP format), has experienced 2,000 referrers from twitter to his blog in last 30 days. Obviously, it’s a very popular topic as his comments have skyrocketed to over 200 and it’s not slowing down. Some conversations are also migrating to Facebook, Pownce, Jaiku, and across other social networks and micromedia communities….
MicroMedia Paves the Way for Macro Influence
Warning! This post is about MicroMedia and the emerging market for Media Snacking, but it is not served as a “byte” sized snack. It is instead, a full meal, so I hope you brought your appetite. The inspiration for this story comes from a meme circulating through the Web that discusses “snacks” and the market for “media snacking.” It was started by Forrester analyst Jeremiah Owyang when he publickly asked whether or not you respect media snackers. He then tagged…
Jott Boosts Mobile Productivity Through the Power of Voice
Recently I wrote about Pinger and how it was a useful tool for using your voice to send “voicemail-based” text messages to individuals as well as different groups. I still use it for very specific messaging with my various teams. In addition to Pinger, there’s a new service which I can’t seem to stop using. And, since I’m on the road quite a bit these days, it is helping me keep pace with my workflow as if I were in…
Google Buys Jaiku, Lifestreams Go Mainstream
Disclosure, Jaiku is a client of FutureWorks and all opinions here are my own. Jaiku confirmed today that Google *hearts* the lifestream/microblog underdog, officially announcing that the previous rumors of a potential acquisition were true. The first question that I’ve been asked over and over again was why didn’t Google acquire Twitter and whether or not I think Yahoo will be forced to respond with the acquisition of Twitter or Pownce. While those discussions are indeed interesting, I think that…
Recommended Reading – October 2, 2007
The Seven Principles of Community Building: Geoff Livingston reviews the 7 principles of community building Twelve things journalists can do to save journalism: Howard Owens lists 12 steps for journalists to save journalism The problem with newspaper blogs is… Jeff Jarvis argues that newspapers should not be big brands but big collections of brands Ten Questions with Chris Brogan: Guy Kawasaki interviews Chris Brogan on Social Media and Twitter The Conversation: Carlie Flossberg explains the value of blogging to people…