Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: traditional

What IF We Redefined Influence? The New Influence Factor in Social Media

The role of influence is changing and diversifying and with it, the rules and responsibilities of engagement are also reshaping. While PR, analyst, and investor relations were clear yesterday, the rise of new influencers, tastemakers and authoritative users and customers becomes both pervasive and uncertain. As such, new opportunities for engagement emerge; creating new opportunities for cultivating distributed relationships. However, each new connection requires management, a support infrastructure, including a dedicated host. The democratization of content production, publishing and distribution…

The Rapid Evolution of Search

Source Over the past several weeks, leaders in the search industry launched an aggressive, very public series of campaigns designed to capture the elusive future of search mind and market share. The accelerated evolution of “real-time” search, introduced to us mostly through the adoption of Summize, which was eventually acquired to now serve as Twitter search, inspired both Google and Bing to release new iterations of its search engine to now include live Twitter results. Bing also announced a deal with Facebook to include status…

Social Media Influencers are not Traditional Influencers

Source Guest post by Damien Basille, follow him on Twitter | Read his blog As more and more brands are moving all of their ad spend online, defining how influence affects their return on investment is necessary and must be done as soon as possible. While some are making inroads to define these calculations many are overlooking the fact that influence affects everything. Without factoring in the real issue of different types of influence you run into a number of…

Top Media Outlets

Source While social and citizen media expand in influence and reach, we can’t ignore or neglect the prominence, credibility, and authority of traditional media – no matter how dearly we’re enamored with shiny new objects. BurrellesLuce recently published its 2009 Top Media List for 2009, which includes newspapers, blogs, consumer magazines and social networks. I’ve included all but social networks below as the rankings are outdated and inaccurate. I’ll publish an updated list shortly. Top 100 U.S. Daily Newspapers Rank,…

Techmeme Launches Top 100 Leaderboard, A New Resource for Tracking Influence

2006 – 2007 saw the rise of new media and it has been nothing short of disruptive for journalists, communications professionals, newsmakers, and the people formerly known as the audience. I’m sure this isn’t news to you. After all, you’re reading this blog, which says that you’re already part of the new media movement and are mostly likely creating your own media as well. Whether you’re in technology or not, there are some very important movements taking place in the…