Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: touchpoint

Transitional Marketing and the Connected Interface

Transitional Marketing and the Connected Interface

Guest post by Scott Forshay, creator and editor of Follow him on Twitter @scottforshay There is no first, second, or third screen; there are only screens. Regardless of their uniqueness in form factor or function, these connected screens are simply humanized interfaces allowing us to communicate with and experience a digitally optimized world. While much has been made of defining the distinctions between the various connected interfaces, be they mobile devices, tablets, connected television, etc., what’s been lost in…

Connecting the Dots: Socializing Touchpoints

We are now down to the second-to-last video where Chris Beck, founder of 26dottwo (@26dottwo) and I examine the state and future of social media. In this segment, we outline the importance of connecting offline and online experiences. Brands must now introduce a connected series of touchpoints between traditional and new media programs to define paths and bring desired outcomes to life. However, to connect the brand strategy to the individual requires a personal approach that starts with the “First…

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