Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: tony hsieh

The Future of Media is Currently in Production

The Future of Media is Currently in Production

Broadcast journalism evolves with every new medium that emerges. Social media certainly opened the doors to new forms of content and distribution channels, but in the end, value, consistency and engagement separates those who find a long-term audience from those flail in obscurity. The market for relevant and compelling content is infinite, regardless of medium. While traditional media learns to adapt, new visionaries arise to push the boundaries and possibilities of media and design fresh business models to support it….

Expert Review: Tony Hsieh on The End of Business as Usual

What follows is an expert review written by Tony Hsieh, NY Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness and CEO of, Inc. This book [The End of Business as Usual] covers an important concept for businesses everywhere. The future of business isn’t just about the latest technology, it’s about market disruption and how an organization recognizes and adapts to new opportunities. Without adaptation, businesses will fall to “digital Darwinism“, as Brian says. Consumer behavior is changing and, as Brian observes,…

Zappos’ Tony Hsieh Delivers Happiness Through Service and Innovation

Zappos’ Tony Hsieh Delivers Happiness Through Service and Innovation

Part three in a four-part series on innovation and change as the new schools of business management… To call Zappos an online shoe store takes away from the brilliance behind the 12-year-old e-commerce powerhouse. While its original premise was based on helping people find the shoes they want, in one place, online, and discounted, it certainly evolved into something nothing short of disruptive. As we hear so often with technology startups, Zappos was born in a college dorm room. Already…

The Dilemma’s Innovator: Innovation and Change as the New Pillars of Business

The Dilemma’s Innovator: Innovation and Change as the New Pillars of Business

If necessity is the mother of invention, then perhaps imagination is the source of innovation. In December 2010, I was given the opportunity to write the cover story for Entrepreneur Magazine. The article, “Change: Lessons on What’s Next,” explored the innovation behind three (well four) companies — Foursquare, Square + Twitter, and Zappos. Throughout the years, I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with Dennis Crowley, Jack Dorsey and Tony Hsieh. And over that time, I’ve observed inherent traits that…

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