Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: social+media+optimization

Social Media Optimization: SMO is the New SEO – Part 1

Originally published in the Shutterstock newsletter as a two-part series…Part I To keep things consistent, I didn’t change the headline. However, for the sake of reading this post in context, SMO should be part of an overall SEO strategy (SEO + SMO = Amplified Findability in the traditional and social Web) As a brand, publisher, designer, photographer, artist, or filmmaker, the social web is your new distribution channel as well as your portfolio for intellectual assets. Whether you’re in the…

Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media and Blogs

Inbound Marketing is a new book written by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah of HubSpot. This book is an exceptional guide to understanding the landscape of creating and maximizing presence. Inbound Marketing refers to the act of consumers discovering your brand through various forms of online media, without your direct engagement necessarily. In the interactive Web, I refer to this practice as SMO or Social Media Optimization – the art and science of escalating the findability of social objects within…

In the Statusphere, A.D.D. Creates Opportunities for Collaboration and Education

Source It’s been an incredible week for stats, demographics, and authority trends related to Social Media this week. The Social Web is our Industrial Revolution and our Renaissance period. It is at the very least completely transforming how we communicate with each other and how we also discover and share content. Twitter, Facebook News Feeds, FriendFeed and other micro communities that define the Statusphere, are captivating and distracting our focus. But, while many argue that it’s decreasing productivity, I say…

Humanizing Social Networks: Revealing the People Powering Social Media

Compete: Top 25 Social Networks Social Networks are among the most powerful examples of socialized media. They create a dynamic ecosystem that incubates and nurtures relationships between people and the content they create and share. As these communities permeate and reshape our lifestyle and how we communicate with one another, we’re involuntarily forcing advertisers and marketers to rapidly evolve how they vie for our attention. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Yelp, and other online communities transformed the regimen and practice of marketing…

Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?

What follows is the unedited Director’s Cut of my latest post on TechCrunch, “Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?” My definition of Statusphere. Source Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally. As the leading blog directory and search engine, Technorati maintains a coveted Authority Index which is considered amongst bloggers as the benchmark for measuring their rank and selling their position within the blogosphere. Authority is defined…

Social Networks Now More Popular than Email; Facebook Surpasses MySpace

You heard that right…no matter how much time we sink into our inbox trying to keep up with all that barrage of never-ending mail, a new report sent over by Nielsen (thanks Sandra Parrelli) claims that Social networks and blogs are now the fourth most popular online activity today. The report, “Global Faces and Networked Places,” features data captured from December 2007 through December 2008 and reveals some very interesting statistics worth noting. Here’s are the highlights: Two-thirds of the…

I Like You: The Emerging Culture of Micro Acts of Appreciation with Macro Impact

Source Like is the new favorite, which was at the time, was the new bookmark. This small, but important feature will no less, reinforce relationships between friends and followers and those who produce, interact with, and share content. Made popular by services such as FriendFeed, and now Facebook, the idea of liking an update is much bigger than merely bookmarking or favoriting (yes, it’s a new verb in the social web) updates from friends and contacts for later reference. The…

BackType Connects the Conversation Graph

I’m a strong supporter of BackType and the work of Christopher Golda since the debut of the highly valuable comments search engine last September. Listening effectively requires extensive and active monitoring of not only blog posts and Tweets on Twitter, but also blog comments and other active networks that define the Conversation Prism. It’s how identify active communities that necessitate not only responses, but ongoing participation. BackType brings blog post comments into the spotlight. Whether you’re managing an online reputation…

Social Media Club Forms Working Group to Develop New Standard for Press Release

On the heels of its official launch, Social Media Club (SMC) formed the Media Release Working Group to begin development of the hRelease , a new standard for modernizing the traditional press release for a Web-centric world. The Media Release Working Group will work closely with the Microformats community, while evaluating other technologies such as XPRL, XBRL, and NewsML to establish a standard way of organizing, tagging, distributing, and sharing ‘official’ organizational communications among blogs and other online communities. The…

Reaching the Blogosphere Part Three – Finding Bloggers in Your Market

Part three in a series written to help up-and-coming PR professionals (and those verterans who are wondering when the hell blogs became part of the PR mix) is now live on Forward Moving . “Blogger relations is a necessary addition to a PR program because citizen journalists, enthusiast bloggers, and accredited journalists with blogs, within a given community/market, can strongly influence consumer behavior. ” Forward’s mission: To provide a comprehensive, ever-evolving, online springboard for students and young professionals in PR….

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