Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: satmetrix

Customers are the Ultimate Influencers; The Value of a Shared Experiences and How To Measure Them

Customers are the Ultimate Influencers; The Value of a Shared Experiences and How To Measure Them

After releasing, What’s the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, I also published a secret “bonus” chapter for those who finished the book and found the Easter egg at the end. Now, I’m making the bonus chapter available for everyone. Why? Because the four moments of truth explored in WTF not only define the modern customer journey, the link between the Zero Moment of  Truth (ZMOT) and what I call the Ultimate Moment of Truth (UMOT) is…

Digital Darwinism: Evolve with Your Customers or Regress Toward Irrelevance

Digital Darwinism: Evolve with Your Customers or Regress Toward Irrelevance

I recently had the pleasure of speaking at Unite host by Satmetrix in New Orleans. Customer experience, IT and management executives from around the world met in the “Big Easy” to learn from one another, share experiences and envision a new future for customer engagement. Prior to the event, I met with the Satmetrix team to discuss my presentation so that we could share the message for those that could not be there live. The conversation was summarized over at…