Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: publicity

Journalism is not Dead, but Newspapers are Dying

On the heels of Infoworld’s news that it is shuttering its print version and shifting its business towards events and online publishing, Tim O’Reilly reports that the San Francisco Chronicle is also in dire straits. Indeed, traditional journalism is a dead man walking, but don’t confuse newspapers with news. Reporting news on the other hand, is thriving in ways never before possible thanks to blogs, communities, networks, everywhere messaging, and everything else that defines the pervasive social media landscape. According…

Live from Under The Radar: Why Office 2.0 Matters

I’m currently at the Under the Radar: Why Office 2.0 Matters”>event in Mountain View. Held at Mircosoft, we’re gunning through a series of presentations and demos from some of the most promising companies advancing the Office 2.0 movement. I’ll be providing live updates from the event via Twitter. Check the site or the badge on this site for what’s happening at the event. undertheradar utr office2.0 office+2.0 web+2.0 web 2.0 web2.0 dealmakermedia

Twitter Tools – Twittervision, Twittersearch, Twitterholic

Twitter is rocking the blogosphere, and with as much heat as it has drawn, it only continues to spread like wildfire. For better or for worse, it has quickly evolved as a micro blogging platform that lets people share much more significant thoughts and ideas, rather than their personal status (eating, going to bed, etc.). Today, many use it has a way to spark conversations, solicit feedback, share insights, update groups of people, reference notable items, and update contacts on…

Heather Harde New CEO of TechCrunch

Photo Credit: Scott Beale of Laughing Squid Note: see below for live updates from Twitter… Om Malik broke the news, Michael Arrington also confirmed it yesterday. Heather Harde senior vice president of mergers and acquisitions at Fox Interactive Media has joined TechCrunch as its new CEO. Per Arrington, “I have the pleasure of confirming the rumors Heather Harde, currently the SVP of Mergers and Acquisitions at Fox Interactive Media, will start her new job as the CEO of the TechCrunch…

New Marketing and PR Resources

I’m often asked where to go for information and commentary regarding new marketing and PR (the kind of stuff happening on the edge) – outside of the traditional pubs and industry rags. There are simply too many online resources, from blogs to communities, to list here. But, here are a few places to get started. I‘ll follow up with a list of PR/marketing blogs that I read regularly. NewPR is a news site for PR news and resources where users…

Under The Radar – Office 2.0 Event Next Week (read for a discount)

I’ll be attending next week’s Under the Radar event on March 23rd – Why Office 2.0 Matters – along with Stowe Boyd, Zoli Erdos, Ismael Ghalimi, and Rafe Needleman, among several other top tier bloggers. If you cover this space, or, if you’re evaluating new online applications, this is the only event that will help you find everything you need – at least until Ismael’s two-day Office 2.0 conference in San Francisco this fall. Event producer, Dealmaker Media, is offering…

Social Media Release in the Spotlight Again

Click “download” to read it in Word. Download View Here wego again, but this time the discussion is finally happening among those who can benefit from the discussion the most – the PR industry. We took the conversation offlline to convince PR to be more effective with press releases first, before they can worry about the “why, how, when, and where” related to social media releases. I recently spoke at the New Communications Forum on thenow controversial topic of the…

twitter is instant “anywhere” messaging

twitter is the message heard around the world – so to speak or so to read. It’s an incredible phenomenon that is spreading faster than online parodies of Snakes on a M F Plane…and in my opinion, it has to be the fastest growing social tool out there right now. It’s everywhere, anywhere messaging so that you can stay in touch with friends, fans, stalkers, and associates whether on the Web, instant messaging, or through text messaging. Each update is…

Don’t Try to Control the Conversation

John Bell recently explored the topic, “Who ‘owns’ conversational marketing? PR, Advertising or The People” over at Strumpette – The Naked Journal of the PR Biz. I also recently covered the subject in my post, “Community, Conversational and Comment Marketing, Will the Real CM Please Stand-up.” Here’s my take. Nobody owns the conversation (except for the people), and therefore we should not even try to dictate its direction. It is possible to subtly influence it by providing information and discussion…

Social Media Takes Center Stage – Advanced PR Forum in Los Angeles

Bulldog Reporter, Advanced PR Forum, Olympic Collection, Los Angeles It’s amazing how much difference a few months makes. This past Friday in Los Angeles, I participated in a panel discussing the “Brave New World of Social Media,” along with Jen McClure of the Society of New Communications Research and Eric Schwartzman of iPressroom. This is the second time in the past six months that I discussed Social Media at a Bulldog Reporter event, each with a radically different outcome. You…

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