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Tag: public

May I Have Your Attention Please

I would like to take this moment to make an ambiguous announcement of sorts. While I’m currently in the throes of spreading the word about my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, “Putting the Public Back in Public Relations,” I’ve also launched into the development of my next book. I’ll let you know more very soon… In order to provide you with the most relevant and timely insight and perspective on the social economy, I’ve asked some good friends to stop…

Twitter Flutters into Mainstream Culture: The New Competition for Attention Starts with You

Source Following the solo media vs. traditional media race that led Twitter into both relevance and irrelevance, the result is that the carefully guarded community and its unique culture are now permanently altered – for better or for worse. According to estimates sourced by Engadget Editor-in-Chief Ryan Block, Twitter grew by 1.2 million users simply as a result of the “Oprah-effect.” TechCrunch’s MG Siegler also explored the process for estimating Twitter’s path into the mainstream. What does 1.2 million new…

Yelp Gets a Bad Review: Embracing a Crisis to Shape Perception

Source This post highlights the nuances associated with crisis communications and not the merit of either case. In the era of socialized media, brands and businesses are now vulnerable to a new era of influencers – their customers. But what happens when the community that championed consumer experiences is accused of exploiting them to extort advertising dollars from the businesses affected by the reviews? User generated reviews aren’t necessarily a brand new concept, epinions, Amazon, among any others have provided…

Anheuser-Busch Debuts; Fuses PR with Social Media to Humanize Stories and Ads

Disclosure: I am collaborating with Anheuser-Busch on the creation and release of Today Anheuser-Busch announced – a social media destination for Bud fans 21 years of age and older to reveal the human element and stories behind the ads that will premier during the Big Game. is a unique social platform for the internal PR team at Anheuser-Busch to also work more effectively with traditional and digital press and bloggers using the tools and services that they…

TechCrunch Kills The Embargo, But PR Holds the Smoking Gun

Disclosure, I am a contributor to TechCrunch and I have had my fair share of embargoes broken by various reporters and bloggers over the years. In some cases, we trusted the wrong people. Credit In what is sure to come as an absolute surprise to the tech PR industry, TechCrunch proclaimed that it will no longer honor embargoes, unless they’re granted exclusivity. The move was triggered by a growing pattern of underhanded and also irresponsible behavior in the backchannels of…

Saying More with Less: A Directory of Short URL Services

Source Through brevity there’s clarity. As marketers and communicators in the era of socialized media, we’re relearning how to summarize and illustrate what we represent so that we might briefly captivate the attention of those we wish to reach. Twitter, FriendFeed, Plurk, Qik, Seesmic, 12seconds, Facebook News Feeds, and all other forms of micromedia communities prosper through a concise economy of language and forethought. It is the exchange of this richer dialog that flourishes through succinctness. This introspective and empathetic…

Introducing MicroPR, A PR Resource for Journalists, Analysts and Bloggers on Twitter

In the era of the Social Web, transparency, engagement, and a commitment to authentically connect people to your story are essential principles for practicing successful and meaningful Public Relations. Concurrently, the socialization of media is creating new communities and communications channels that are empowering journalists, bloggers, analysts, as well as everyday people, to actively and passionately contribute, share, and discover the stories around us. It’s changing the information ecosystem. Media and communications professionals must stay connected and work together now…

Coming Soon: Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

I’m extremely happy to announce that I just submitted the last chapter for my upcoming book with co-author Deirdre Breakenridge, someone for whom I have great respect and admiration. The book is already in production and we still have a few bits of final editing and tweaking ahead of us. We’ll follow up to let you know more once we have the final timeline available. Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business…

Launching at TechCrunch50? Don’t Fire Your PR Just Yet

Note, This is the uncut, unedited version of my TechCrunch post, “The Big Conference Launch: How to Stand Out from the Crowd.” I’m also running this version to provide a deeper understanding of how to rise above the noise with at least 124 other tech companies/products competing for mind share at TechCrunch50 and DEMOfall. Disclosure: I am not affiliated with TechCrunch50. If you are a participating TC50 company, resident TechCrunch PR expert Sarah Ross is available to share and review…

The Art of Conversation – It’s About Listening Not Marketing

Discussions and debates on the viability, necessity, and effectiveness of conversational aka social media marketing continue to roar across the Social Web. There are three sides to this equation: – New media pioneers and practitioners who defend and evangelize the art of conversations because they’re investing in people and their feedback and have the experience to showcase value and ROI. – Social Media marketers who embrace social tools and promote their use in corporate/brand marketing and Public Relations, learning in…

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