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Tag: pressreleases

Attention Traditional PR, Step Away from the Social Media Release – aka hRelease

I came across a post that really smacked me in the face with a stinging sense of reality. You canā€™t help everyone grow; only those that realize they can. We just have to do a better job of reaching everyone else to help lay a more informative foundation for people to cause change. Regarding the Social Media Release, it’s not social media. The Social Media Press Release still adheres to the antiquated notion that public relations means appealing to the…

How to Write a Social Media Press Release – Part II

“How to Write” a Social Media Press Release Template Now Available In Honor of the 100th Birthday of the Press Release, New Worksheet Explains Social Media and the Process of Writing SMPRs See example, history, and additional information here. I. Headline: Insert a short, compelling headline that features keywords, not buzzwords, to attract attention and legitimate interest by those who cover your space as well as potential customers. II. Sub Headline: The Subhead should further explain why someone should continue…

How to Write a Social Media Press Release, Why, and What It All Means

As a function of the Social Media Club, Chris Heuer and I were recently discussing Social Media Press Releases with a reporter at a PR trade magazine when we realized just how many people have yet to even learn about the fundamentals of social media. For example, as we were defining the building blocks of an SMR (social media release), Chris stopped and asked the interviewer if she knew what a ā€œtagā€ was. That was a great question, it turns…