Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: onlinepr

1 Afternoon, 2 Understand Social Media – Palo Alto, 10/23

When I heard that Chris Heuer, Tom Foremski, and Giovanni Rodriguez wanted to put together a local event to help communications professionals “get” social media, I had to jump in. Like a group of banditos, we’re all out there running around trying to share the knowledge and benefits of social media and help escalate the overall value and perception of corporate communications in a web-driven world. Aside from individual blogs, clubs, working groups, and soapboxing, the team has organized an…

Listed Over at Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog

Many thanks to Lee Odden over at Top Rank Online Marketing for listing a couple of my articles in his guide to Blogger Relations 101. It’s a great post and definitely worth reading. I’ve been writing a series that explores how to target, reach and measure blogger relations over at Forward Moving. I’m already at article #4, out of maybe 5 or 6. Truth is that it could be a book, but really, it doesn’t need to be. I hope…

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